Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16601 Discussions

Switching between versions of Nios II EDS

Honored Contributor II

A batch script is now available (attached) for automatically switching complete tool suite versions on Windows. The script is compatible with versions 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, and 7.0 of Nios II EDS & Quartus II. The zip file contains Altera_Tool_Switch.bat and a special version of setenv.exe that can modify system environment variables.

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

It's Coooool!

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Are any changes needed for Q7.1? 


How about Q5.0 - did it follow the same convention?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The following Altera_Tool_Switch.bat also includes an option for version 7.1. Note that this is an example, and paths for versions 6.1 and 7.0 are different from the default installation path. 7.1 and 5.0 follow the same conventions for Nios II, but version 5.0 requires additionally setting the QUARTUS_ROOTDIR, and QESS_ROOTDIR environment variables. One difference for versions 5.1 through 6.1 are that we added, then subsequently removed, an environment variable called SOPC_BUILDER_PATH_XX with the version number (XX) appended, such as SOPC_BUILDER_PATH_60. You can add an option for version 5.0 by defining SOPC_BUILDER_PATH, SOPC_KIT_NIOS2, QUARTUS_ROOTDIR, and QESS_ROOTDIR appropriately to match your installation. The last 2 should be set to the same directory, the Quartus installation directory. I think it was version 6.1 when we modified Quartus to automatically update these last 2 environment variables simply by launching the correct version of Quartus (which is what the script does now). Although I have not tried this script (modified for 5.0) with version 5.0 myself, I know of at least one customer who did so without difficulty. 


Altera_Tool_Switch.bat (reference example, modify to match your selected install paths): 



@echo off  


REM ======================================================================================== 

REM Name: Altera_Tool_Switch.bat 

REM Tool: Version switching batch script 

REM Date: February 21, 2007 


REM Default install path settings (change to match your installation paths for each version). 

REM Execute from a DOS command shell. 

REM Some users have benefited from additionally moving C:\Quartus\bin and Quartus\win to the front of the PATH env var. 


set Nios_6_0=C:\altera\kits\nios2_60 

set Quartus_6_0=C:\altera\quartus60 

set IP_6_0=C:\altera\megacore\ddr_ddr2_sdram-v3.4.1\lib\sopc_builder+C:\altera\megacore\pci_compiler-v4.1.1\lib\sopc_builder 


set Nios_6_1=C:\altera\61b201\nios2eds 

set Quartus_6_1=C:\altera\61b201\quartus 

set IP_6_1=C:\altera\61b201\ip\ddr_ddr2_sdram\lib\sopc_builder+C:\altera\61b201\ip\pci_compiler\lib\sopc_builder+C:\altera\61b201\ip\nios2_ip+C:\altera\61b201\ip\sopc_builder_ip 


set Nios_7_0=C:\altera\70b30\nios2eds 

set Quartus_7_0=C:\altera\70b30\quartus 

set IP_7_0=C:\altera\70b30\ip\ddr_ddr2_sdram\lib\sopc_builder+C:\altera\70b30\ip\pci_compiler\lib\sopc_builder+C:\altera\70b30\ip\nios2_ip+C:\altera\70b30\ip\sopc_builder_ip 


set Nios_7_1=C:\altera\71\nios2eds 

set Quartus_7_1=C:\altera\71\quartus 

set IP_7_1=C:\altera\71\ip\ddr_ddr2_sdram\lib\sopc_builder+C:\altera\71\ip\pci_compiler\lib\sopc_builder+C:\altera\71\ip\nios2_ip+C:\altera\71\ip\sopc_builder_ip 


REM ======================================================================================== 

REM Use the first parameter as the specified version if available. 

REM This will skip menu echo below if there exists a first parameter. 


set ALT_VER=%1 


REM ======================================================================================== 


if not defined ALT_VER ( 

echo Altera Environment Switcher 

echo *************************** 

echo Type the following to update your environment variables 

echo Note: Before making a selection, close any open Altera tools. 

echo After running this script, exit the shell from which it is launched. 

echo Only new environments will inherit the new system environment settings. 

echo -- 

echo 1. Version 6.0 

echo 2. Version 6.1 build 201 

echo 3. Version 7.0 build 30 

echo 4. Version 7.1 released  

echo 5. Do not make any changes 

echo -- 

echo Note: Some of these versions may not exist yet, or the paths will be incorrect. 

echo If you install to non-standard locations modify the paths at the 

echo top of this file. 


echo Specify number to select [1, 2, 3, 4, or 5] 

set /p ALT_VER=%1 


if not defined ALT_VER ( 

echo Valid Altera Tools Version not specified. 



REM ======================================================================================== 

REM Set Nios II 6.0 


if %ALT_VER% == 1 ( 


echo Setting environment for version 6.0 

setenv -m SOPC_BUILDER_PATH_60 %Nios_6_0% 


setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 %Nios_6_0% 


echo New Environment settings: 




echo SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 = 

setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 


echo Now Launching 6.0 Quartus to complete environment variable configuration. 

echo Please exit Quartus and then exit this command shell to complete environment  

echo switch. Restart Quartus II, Nios II, or any related shells before developing  

echo with the changed version. 



goto END 



REM ======================================================================================== 

REM Set Nios II 6.1 


if %ALT_VER% == 2 ( 


echo Setting environment for version 6.1 

setenv -m SOPC_BUILDER_PATH %Nios_6_1%+%IP_6_1% 

setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 %Nios_6_1% 


echo New Environment settings: 




echo SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 = 

setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 


echo Now Launching 6.1 Quartus to complete environment variable configuration. 

echo Please exit Quartus and then exit this command shell to complete environment  

echo switch. Restart Quartus II, Nios II, or any related shells before developing  

echo with the changed version. 



goto END 


REM ======================================================================================== 

REM Set Nios II 7.0 


if %ALT_VER% == 3 ( 


echo Setting environment for version 7.0 

setenv -m SOPC_BUILDER_PATH %Nios_7_0%+%IP_7_0% 

setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 %Nios_7_0% 


echo New Environment settings: 




echo SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 = 

setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 


echo Now Launching 7.0 Quartus to complete environment variable configuration. 

echo Please exit Quartus and then exit this command shell to complete environment  

echo switch. Restart Quartus II, Nios II, or any related shells before developing  

echo with the changed version. 



goto END 


REM ======================================================================================== 

REM Set Nios II 7.1 


if %ALT_VER% == 4 ( 


echo Setting environment for version 7.1 

setenv -m SOPC_BUILDER_PATH %Nios_7_1%+%IP_7_1% 

setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 %Nios_7_1% 


echo New Environment settings: 




echo SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 = 

setenv -m SOPC_KIT_NIOS2 


echo Now Launching 7.1 Quartus to complete environment variable configuration. 

echo Please exit Quartus and then exit this command shell to complete environment  

echo switch. Restart Quartus II, Nios II, or any related shells before developing  

echo with the changed version. 



goto END 


REM ======================================================================================== 

REM Do not make any changes 


if %ALT_VER% == 5 ( 


echo Exiting script with no changes. 

goto END 



REM ======================================================================================== 

REM ALT_VER is not recognized 

set ALT_VER= 

echo Valid Altera Tools Version not specified. 



REM ======================================================================================== 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I am using Quartus II 9.1 and I found that set SOPC_BUILDER_PATH to be empty (or null string "") 

is necessary for SOPC Builder 9.1. 


Or it will get confusion for components in C:\altera\megacore\ that have same "component" names as that in C:\altera\91\ip\altera
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thank you! 

I reinstall a new xp system,and using yunduan software.Altera Quartus ii can still work,but environment variable of nois ii missed and nois ii can't work. 

It's you saved me,and save me time of installing of nois ii.
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