Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16606 Discussions

Creating an Avalon Master - Please Help

Honored Contributor II



I want to use the sdram controller but it requires an avalon master. I have been trying to create one with SOPC builder in verions 7.2 quartus. Could someone perhaps just give a list of points indicating how one does this and gets the master to link to the controller?
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19 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi notme: 


It depends on what you are doing. 


First You'll want to read the Avalon bus specification: 


And define your master device in verilog/vhdl. 


If you are just hooking this up to the NIOS CPU, the CPU has a master port already, so you don't have to create your own, but if you are hooking it up to some other CPU and/or dedicated logic, the master connectivity is defined by the spec. However there are several valid master types, so you'll should read though it and understand what you need. 


Once you have the the Master component defined, you go into SOPC builder, and define the component. This basically tells SOPC builder what signals are Avalon/clock/reset/etc, and what signals are exports that go to the top of the SOPC system. Once this is done, you can add the component to your SOPC system. 


Now with SOPC builder, you have connectivity between various master and slave devices that you can click on. Once completed, you generate the modules, and it produces a SOPC level that you can import into your top module and finish any non-sopc connectivity. 


(IE it generates all the arbiters/muxes/domain crossing logic necessary depending on the complexity of the system) 





Once you mast
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for Post. I am still a bit confused. I have an external micro that I want to connect to the SDR Dram controller in SOPC. For this I need an Avalon master. I have made a few attempts at this but am not sure about a few things.... 

1. How do I know which Avalon signals the DRAM IP requires. I have looked at the docs and they dont say??? 

2. Do I then define the external micros address,data and control lines in my component as "export" signals in SOPC? 

3. Is there a recommended method of connecting my address,data and control lines to the Avalon address,data and control lines?
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Honored Contributor II

Hi notme: 



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1. How do I know which Avalon signals the DRAM IP requires. I have looked at the docs and they dont say??? 

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You can bet the DRAM IP Is a slave with byteenables. However there are various types of slaves, Most likely it will have a data valid as well. However, the exact inter-connectivity will be handled by SOPCbuilder. You just need to make sure your Master supports byteenables if you need to do transactions less than a full word. If you only due word sized transactions, you may due bursting, but care should be done to insure you align your allowed burst size and address alignment, so that the you don't have unintended line-wraps. 



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2. Do I then define the external micros address,data and control lines in my component as "export" signals in SOPC?  


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3. Is there a recommended method of connecting my address,data and control lines to the Avalon address,data and control lines? 

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Not really, It's usually a depends on the uP. Like with TI, you have an EMIF bus, so the timing/strobe is slightly different, a bit of logic to interface the too, but it isn't too significant. Once you have the "Bridge" from your CPU to Avalon interface, you can then click on any avalon slave device to the bus and SOPC builder handles all the interconnect.
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks -  


I have tried that but SOPC gives warning like.... m0 Must have address signal. Which address signal is it talking about? The signals going to the Avalon slave dram controller or the signal going to my external cpu?  

Perhaps you could clarify the signals.. My external address bus is in the Name column, what should be in the Interface column? There is a drop down with many options, should this be the export_0 option?
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Honored Contributor II


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Thanks -  


I have tried that but SOPC gives warning like.... m0 Must have address signal. Which address signal is it talking about? The signals going to the Avalon slave dram controller or the signal going to my external cpu?  

Perhaps you could clarify the signals.. My external address bus is in the Name column, what should be in the Interface column? There is a drop down with many options, should this be the export_0 option? 

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In you Bridge interface between your CPU and Avalon bus, you should have as a minimum the following Avalon master should have a minimum of : clk waitrequest Address, ReadData, Writedata, read and write signals. These should be defined under the Avalon Master type. 


The CPU interface signasl, which depending on the CPU type may include Address, Data, read and Write signals as well, will all be defined as export signals.
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for all of the info :) You have been a great help. I now need to write the code to do the work, so I might be back when things dont work LOL:D

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Honored Contributor II

Oops.. back sooner than expected. Where can I find info regarding the signal timing between the Avalon master and external cpu's? I have looked at the Avalon specs but the timing all seems to be between master and slave devices and not between master and external devices

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Honored Contributor II


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Oops.. back sooner than expected. Where can I find info regarding the signal timing between the Avalon master and external cpu's? I have looked at the Avalon specs but the timing all seems to be between master and slave devices and not between master and external devices 

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You cannot directly connect an external device with the Avalon Master. You need to create a Tri-state bridge before you can connect the device to the bus. 


As for the signals, the signals that you need are: clk, bidirectional data, address, chipselect, write, read and byteenable. Further the addressing can be Register Slave Addressing (if it is a simple storage or data-logging memory) or Memory Slave Addressing (if it is sth like a cpu memory). Specify appropriate Read Wait, Write Wait:and Hold and Setup cycles. And you are done!
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Honored Contributor II

For Connecting your external micro with SDRAM controller core, u need to define the Avalon tristate master port with the signals from micro and connect this to the tristate slave port of avalon tristate bridge using sopc builder. The master port of the avalon tristate bridge should be connected to the avalon slave port of the SDRAM controller. So you will be having three components in your sopc builder 

1) uc Wrapper with Avalon tristate Master port 

2) Avalon tristate master bridge and [Avalon tristate bridge will have Avalon tristate master and Avalon MM master] 


3) SDRAM controller core with Avalon MM Slave port  


You need to allocate the address space for SDRAM while parametrizing the SDRAM controller.
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Honored Contributor II

Is the Avalon bridge a free IP core?

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Honored Contributor II


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You cannot directly connect an external device with the Avalon Master. You need to create a Tri-state bridge before you can connect the device to the bus. 


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I dont quite follow this. According to the SOPC docs I need a master if I use the SDRAM IP. If this is the only slave why do I need a bridge? I thought that the bridge was to allow for multiple slaves? The docs imply that I can create my own master which is what I have done. The system compiles in SOPC without warning or errors. I have not tested it yet.  


So are you saying that I need the bridge component between the external micro and my master device?
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Honored Contributor II


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Is the Avalon bridge a free IP core? 

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Tri-state Avalon bridge is freely available with SOPC Builder. It is a part of the bus fabric.
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Honored Contributor II


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I dont quite follow this. According to the SOPC docs I need a master if I use the SDRAM IP. If this is the only slave why do I need a bridge? I thought that the bridge was to allow for multiple slaves? The docs imply that I can create my own master which is what I have done. The system compiles in SOPC without warning or errors. I have not tested it yet.  


So are you saying that I need the bridge component between the external micro and my master device? 

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The bridge is required when you want to connect an external (i.e. off-chip) peripheral. If you have an on-chip peripheral, then you don't need the tri-state bridge. In your specific case, if your SDRAM is an *external* chip which would communicate with the SOPC/NIOS system on the FPGA, then you certainly need a bridge. If the SDRAM is an on-chip component, say an IP core or an HDL design, then you don't have to use the bridge.
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Honored Contributor II


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Tri-state Avalon bridge is freely available with SOPC Builder. It is a part of the bus fabric. 

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Does "freely available" = cost nothing and is not time limited and works with free web edition?
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Honored Contributor II


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The bridge is required when you want to connect an external (i.e. off-chip) peripheral 

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In this case is the DRAM controller not an on chip peripheral? My system is as follows: 


I have an external AVR micro which I want to connect to the DRAM. I also have an external video decoder chip which I want to connect to DRAM. I use the SOPC DRAM controller and link it to an Avalon master that I created. The master has external address,data and control lines. I now want to use some FPGA logic to connect decoder and micro to this Avalon master. Is this where the bridge comes in? I looked at the bridge component but did not see any option to add non avalon lines?
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Honored Contributor II


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Does "freely available" = cost nothing and is not time limited and works with free web edition? 

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Yes. Please understand Tri-state bridge is not an IP core. It is an essential part of Avalon fabric.
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Honored Contributor II


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In this case is the DRAM controller not an on chip peripheral? My system is as follows: 


I have an external AVR micro which I want to connect to the DRAM. I also have an external video decoder chip which I want to connect to DRAM. I use the SOPC DRAM controller and link it to an Avalon master that I created. The master has external address,data and control lines. I now want to use some FPGA logic to connect decoder and micro to this Avalon master. Is this where the bridge comes in? I looked at the bridge component but did not see any option to add non avalon lines? 

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So as I understand, you have "a DRAM controller in the SOPC system" and your external devices will be communicating with this *DRAM controller only* rather than the cpu, or so to say Avalon bus, itself. You don't need a Tri-state bridge in this case (as your external devices are not communicating with the Avalon bus directly).
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for all your help :)

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Honored Contributor II



Not sure if you've already figured this out since the post is kinda old. But here's the link to an Avalon Master template. There's also a corresponding Avalon Slave template. Hope that helps.
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