Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

QuartusII 8.1 was released

5 Replies
Honored Contributor II



But I wish Altera would publish a detailed changelog. The "What's new" describes only the main new features. And Altera usually considers "main" features only the ones that affect corporate customers. 


Personally, one of the most important new features in 8.1 is the ModelSim upgrade to 6.3. I realize corporate customers probably already have a ModelSim PE or even SE license, so they don't care. For the others, and especially when using System Verilog, this is a very major improvement. 


Other new features, such as TimeQuest supporting data skew reports, are not mentioned and I found it only by chance by checking the docs revision history. 


Lastly, some new features are not mentioned anywhere in any way whatsoever. And I wouldn't know at all about them, if it wasn't for people with some "insider" knowledge that commented the topic here. For example, 8.1 has a much better and improved support for SV interfaces and modports (mentioned by Jack some time ago, I think).
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Honored Contributor II

I wish Altera would update the version of Eclipse they use for NIOS EDS. I just installed 8.1, and it is still based on Eclipse 3.2.1 which seems to crash left right and center on my system. If I update to 3.2.2 it is much more stable.

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Honored Contributor II

My FAE told me that the Eclispe update is in the works.

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Honored Contributor II

I know there is a new "nios ii studio (" in the works to replace the "Nios II IDE". The beta for Nios II Studio is actually included in the Nios II EDS 8.0 and newer already. The version of Elipse in Nios II Studio is newer than the one in Nios II IDE. However, I ran into other issues when I tried using it, so I went back to Nios II IDE and just run "Software Updates" option on the Help menu to update the version of Elcipse.

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I know there is a new "nios ii studio (" in the works to replace the "Nios II IDE". The beta [...] However, I ran into other issues when I tried using it, so I went back to Nios II IDE and just run "software updates" option on the help menu to update the version of elcipse. 

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Have you get troubles or issues when updating Eclipse ? 

Do you "full" update ? I mean not only revisions. 

Do you update Nios II IDE 9.0 (SP2) too (if you use it) ? 


is it safe to "full" update eclipse ? 


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