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printing to 16x2 LCD module

Honored Contributor II

i got this code from here ( this code initialize the lcd module. 


#include <unistd.h># include <stdlib.h># include <stdio.h> /* Commands which can be written to the COMMAND register */ enum /* Write to character RAM */ {     LCD_CMD_WRITE_DATA = 0x80     /* Bits 6:0 hold character RAM address */ }; enum /* Write to character generator RAM */ {     LCD_CMD_WRITE_CGR = 0x40     /* Bits 5:0 hold character generator RAM address */ }; enum /* Function Set command */ {     LCD_CMD_FUNCTION_SET = 0x20,     LCD_CMD_8BIT = 0x10,     LCD_CMD_TWO_LINE = 0x08,     LCD_CMD_BIGFONT = 0x04 }; enum /* Shift command */ {     LCD_CMD_SHIFT = 0x10,     LCD_CMD_SHIFT_DISPLAY = 0x08,     LCD_CMD_SHIFT_RIGHT = 0x04 }; enum /* On/Off command */ {     LCD_CMD_ONOFF = 0x08,     LCD_CMD_ENABLE_DISP = 0x04,     LCD_CMD_ENABLE_CURSOR = 0x02,     LCD_CMD_ENABLE_BLINK = 0x01 }; enum /* Entry Mode command */ {     LCD_CMD_MODES = 0x04,     LCD_CMD_MODE_INC = 0x02,     LCD_CMD_MODE_SHIFT = 0x01 }; enum /* Home command */ {     LCD_CMD_HOME = 0x02 }; enum /* Clear command */ {     LCD_CMD_CLEAR = 0x01 }; # define na_lcd_pio_command ((volatile int *) 0x80920850)# define na_lcd_pio_status ((volatile int *) 0x80920851)# define na_lcd_pio_wr_data ((volatile int *) 0x80920852)# define na_lcd_pio_rd_data ((volatile int *) 0x80920853) # define PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND (*na_lcd_pio_command)# define PIO_LCD_IO_STATUS (*na_lcd_pio_status)# define PIO_LCD_IO_WR_DATA (*na_lcd_pio_wr_data)# define PIO_LCD_IO_RD_DATA (*na_lcd_pio_rd_data) void delay(int para)//delay for 0.2*para ms {     int i=0,j=0;     for(i=0;i<para;i++)  for(j=0;j<10000;j++); } int main() {     delay(75);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_FUNCTION_SET | LCD_CMD_8BIT;     delay(21);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_FUNCTION_SET | LCD_CMD_8BIT;     delay(10);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_FUNCTION_SET | LCD_CMD_8BIT;     delay(10);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_FUNCTION_SET | LCD_CMD_8BIT | LCD_CMD_TWO_LINE;     delay(10);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_ONOFF;     delay(10);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_CLEAR;     delay(10);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_MODES | LCD_CMD_MODE_INC;     delay(10);     PIO_LCD_IO_COMMAND=LCD_CMD_ONOFF | LCD_CMD_ENABLE_DISP;     delay(1000);     return 0; } 


my question is: How to i print characters to the screen? i suppose i shud look for the address of the pins RS, R/W, and E. but i&#39;ve yet to locate them. 


At the mean time, i&#39;m going thru pio_lcd16207.c and pio_lcd16207.h. i think i understand wat these codes r trying to do but i&#39;ve yet to come out with a prog tat works. 


Pls advice. Thx in advance.
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

i also tried to modified from pio_lcd16207.h. i merely add in the main function, change nr_delay to usleep. this time, nth happen to the lcd module. 


#include <unistd.h># include "pio_lcd16207.h"# include "nios2_system.h"    /* Descriptions of standard peripherals */ static void delayShort(void); // Device constants // Internal LCD signals enum{     LCD_E  = 0x400,     LCD_RS = 0x200,     LCD_RW = 0x100,     LCD_DATA = 0x0FF }; // LCD Device Commands enum{     LCD_CMD_CLEAR = 0x01,     LCD_CMD_HOME  =    0x02,     LCD_CMD_MODES = 0x04,     LCD_CMD_ONOFF = 0x08,     LCD_CMD_SHIFT = 0x10,     LCD_CMD_FUNC  = 0x20,     LCD_CMD_RAMCGR= 0x40,     LCD_CMD_RAMDDR= 0x80,     LCD_CMD_FILLER= 0x00 }; // Device Parameters enum{     LCD_INTERFACE = 0x10,  // interface width;1 (8 BITS)/0 (4BITS)     LCD_NUMROWS =    0x08,  //# of display rows; 1 (2 ROWS)/0 (1ROW)     LCD_PIXEL    =    0x04,  // character pixel;    1(5x10 dots)/0 (5x7 dots)     LCD_MOVE    =    0x02,  // character move direction; 1(increment)/0(decrement)     LCD_SHIFT    =    0x01,  // move character with display shift; 1(shift)/0(no shift)     LCD_DISP_SHIFT=    0x08  // action after character; 1(display shift)/0(character shift) }; enum{     LCD_COM_RESET = 0x30 }; // Some LCD parameters# define LCD_BUS_WIDTH 8# define LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH 5# define LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT 8 // The hardcoded definition of where the LCD lives at // PIO port address np_pio *lcd = 0; void nr_pio_lcdcursorvisible(int bVisible) {     if(bVisible)  nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(0x0E);     else  nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(0x0C); } void nr_pio_lcdon(int bOn) {     if(bOn)  nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(0x0C);     else  nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(0x08); } void nr_pio_lcdclearscreen(void) {     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_CLEAR); } void nr_pio_lcdsetcursor(int row, int col) {     unsigned char address;     if(row > LCD_NUM_ROW)  row = LCD_NUM_ROW;     if(col > LCD_NUM_COL)  col = LCD_NUM_COL;     if(row == 0)  address = 0;     else if (row == 1)  address = 0x40;     else if (row == 2)  address = 0x20;     else  address=0x60;     address += col;     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_RAMDDR | address); } void nr_pio_lcdprintstringslowly(char *string, int time) {     char tempBuffer;     int i;     i=0;     sprintf(tempBuffer, string);     // Show as much of the string as we can...     while(tempBuffer)     {  nr_pio_lcdwritecharacter(tempBuffer);  usleep(time);  i++;     } } /* * nr_pio_lcdwritescreen(char *string); * * This is probably the most useful routine. It * takes a string, and prints it to the LCD starting * from the first character. If the string is less * than 32 characters, fill the rest of the display * with blanks. If the string exceeds 32 characters, * truncate it. So sorry! */ void nr_pio_lcdwritescreen(char *string) {     int row;     int col;     int done;     int count;     count=0;     for(row=0; row < LCD_NUM_ROW; row++)     {  for(col=0; col < LCD_NUM_COL; col++)  {      nr_pio_lcdsetcursor(row,col);      if(string == 0x00)    // hit the end and stick there.    nr_pio_lcdwritecharacter(0xA0);      else    nr_pio_lcdwritecharacter(string);  }     } } void nr_pio_lcdinit(np_pio *lcdPio) {     static int beenInitialized;    // uninitialized static variables get cleared each run!     if(beenInitialized)  return;          if(!lcdPio)  lcdPio = (np_pio *)na_lcd_16207_0;    // pio in reference design...     lcd = lcdPio;     // Send first Reset     usleep(15);         nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_COM_RESET);     // Send second Reset     usleep(5);         nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_COM_RESET);     // Send third Reset     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_COM_RESET);     // Setup interface parameters: 8 bit bus, 2 rows, 5x7 font     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_FUNC | LCD_INTERFACE | LCD_NUMROWS);          // Turn Display Off     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_ONOFF);     // Clear Display     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_CLEAR);          // Setup Default Mode     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_MODES | LCD_MOVE);     //ON     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdon(1);          beenInitialized = 1; } void nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(unsigned char command) {     // preserve the data on the lines, but clear the RS and RW line     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata & ~(LCD_RS | LCD_RW | LCD_E));          // output the RS and RW lines.. but nothing else     lcd->np_piodirection=(lcd->np_piodirection | (LCD_RS | LCD_RW | LCD_E));     delayShort();     // toggle the E line HIGH to latch the command     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata | LCD_E);     delayShort();          // output command word whilst E line is high     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata & ~LCD_DATA);     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata | command);     lcd->np_piodirection=(lcd->np_piodirection | LCD_DATA);     // toggle the E line LOW to latch the data     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata & ~LCD_E);     delayShort(); } void nr_pio_lcdwritecharacter(unsigned char character) {     // preserve the data on the lines, but clear the RW and E line, set RS     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata & ~(LCD_RW | LCD_E));     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata | LCD_RS);          // output the RS and RW lines.. but nothing else     lcd->np_piodirection=(lcd->np_piodirection | (LCD_RW | LCD_E | LCD_RS));     delayShort();     // toggle the E line HIGH to latch the command     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata | LCD_E);     delayShort();          // output command word whilst E line is high     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata & ~LCD_DATA);     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata | character);     lcd->np_piodirection=(lcd->np_piodirection | LCD_DATA);     // toggle the E line LOW to latch the data     lcd->np_piodata=(lcd->np_piodata & ~LCD_E); } void delayShort(void) {     int i;     int v = 0;     for(i=0;i<50;i++)  v++; }   int main(void) {     lcd = (np_pio *)na_lcd_16207_0;     // Send first Reset     usleep(15);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_COM_RESET);     // Send second Reset     usleep(5);         nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_COM_RESET);     // Send third Reset     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_COM_RESET);     // Setup interface parameters: 8 bit bus, 2 rows, 5x7 font     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_FUNC | LCD_INTERFACE | LCD_NUMROWS);     // Turn Display Off     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_ONOFF);     // Clear Display     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_CLEAR);     // Setup Default Mode     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdwritecommand(LCD_CMD_MODES | LCD_MOVE);     //ON     usleep(1);     nr_pio_lcdon(1);     printf("LCD initialized.\n");     usleep(1000);     nr_pio_lcdwritecharacter(&#39;A&#39;);     printf("LCD written.\n");     usleep(5000);     return 0; } 


Pls help! Thx!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

looks like i&#39;m alone here...<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif  

can anyone pls tell me how do i access the 3 pins? rw, rw, and e... direct assignment to na_lcd_16207_0->piodata doesnt work...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

originally posted by jwlam@Aug 28 2006, 04:04 AM 

i got this code from here ( this code initialize the lcd module. 


#include <unistd.h># include <stdlib.h># include <stdio.h> /* commands which can be written to the command register */ enum /* write to character ram */ {     lcd_cmd_write_data = 0x80     /* bits 6:0 hold character ram address */ }; enum /* write to character generator ram */ {     lcd_cmd_write_cgr = 0x40     /* bits 5:0 hold character generator ram address */ }; enum /* function set command */ {     lcd_cmd_function_set = 0x20,     lcd_cmd_8bit = 0x10,     lcd_cmd_two_line = 0x08,     lcd_cmd_bigfont = 0x04 }; enum /* shift command */ {     lcd_cmd_shift = 0x10,     lcd_cmd_shift_display = 0x08,     lcd_cmd_shift_right = 0x04 }; enum /* on/off command */ {     lcd_cmd_onoff = 0x08,     lcd_cmd_enable_disp = 0x04,     lcd_cmd_enable_cursor = 0x02,     lcd_cmd_enable_blink = 0x01 }; enum /* entry mode command */ {     lcd_cmd_modes = 0x04,     lcd_cmd_mode_inc = 0x02,     lcd_cmd_mode_shift = 0x01 }; enum /* home command */ {     lcd_cmd_home = 0x02 }; enum /* clear command */ {     lcd_cmd_clear = 0x01 }; # define na_lcd_pio_command ((volatile int *) 0x80920850)# define na_lcd_pio_status ((volatile int *) 0x80920851)# define na_lcd_pio_wr_data ((volatile int *) 0x80920852)# define na_lcd_pio_rd_data ((volatile int *) 0x80920853) # define pio_lcd_io_command (*na_lcd_pio_command)# define pio_lcd_io_status (*na_lcd_pio_status)# define pio_lcd_io_wr_data (*na_lcd_pio_wr_data)# define pio_lcd_io_rd_data (*na_lcd_pio_rd_data) void delay(int para)//delay for 0.2*para ms {     int i=0,j=0;     for(i=0;i<para;i++)  for(j=0;j<10000;j++); } int main() {     delay(75);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_function_set | lcd_cmd_8bit;     delay(21);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_function_set | lcd_cmd_8bit;     delay(10);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_function_set | lcd_cmd_8bit;     delay(10);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_function_set | lcd_cmd_8bit | lcd_cmd_two_line;     delay(10);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_onoff;     delay(10);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_clear;     delay(10);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_modes | lcd_cmd_mode_inc;     delay(10);     pio_lcd_io_command=lcd_cmd_onoff | lcd_cmd_enable_disp;     delay(1000);     return 0; } 


my question is: how to i print characters to the screen? i suppose i shud look for the address of the pins rs, r/w, and e. but i&#39;ve yet to locate them. 


at the mean time, i&#39;m going thru pio_lcd16207.c and pio_lcd16207.h. i think i understand wat these codes r trying to do but i&#39;ve yet to come out with a prog tat works. 


pls advice. thx in advance. 

<div align='right'><{post_snapback}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=17891)</div> 

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this is regester map address,pls see linux driver book,could anyone post the lcd driver?thanks
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



have you got it working ? I am interested in this. Pls help me through. 


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