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Encryption for remote upgrade

Honored Contributor II



Our system is running a webserver. We want to be able to remotely upgrade the unit, i.e. be able to email a customer a file which he can install on a local computer. Than you would browse to our unit and point to the sent file. The file is saved to flash upgrading both the fpga configuration and the nios code. We want to use an encrypted file. We want to be able to encrypt the file using a C/C++ app written in Viusal Studio and decrypt it in the nios processor. I've seached around a bit, seems like there is plenty of free code implementing AES but I don't really know where to start. I don't want to learn a lot about encryption. Any suggestions about where I should start? Thanks.  


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hello Mike, 


In the past I had to solve a similar task so it’s possible that I have some good information for you. I decided to use 3DES (please don’t ask why). Under the following link you can get a very useful source-code: (

The source code can be used within the Nios firmware and within the Visul Studio Project. It’s very likely that you can get some ready components for Visual Studio too. 


In my opinion these steps are necessary:  

1. Merge the binary flash data for the FPGA configuration and the Nios firmware. 

2. Calculate the CRC32 of the data 

3. Encrypt all with 3DES or something else (block code) 

4. Send the whole data to your Nios 

5. The Nios firmware decrypts all 

6. Check the CRC32 - it must be the same  as above 

7. Program your flash with it 


Unfortunately I don’t have ready source code you can use. But if you have questions feel free to ask. 




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Honored Contributor II

Hello niosIIuser, 


Thanks so much for your advice. Your description of the steps necessary to do this totally makes sense to me. A small description of how to execute the code in the link you mention would be a big help. I need to first set keys by calling des_set_key and des3_set_2keys and des3_set_2keys, is that right? Then I can call des_encrpt sending it 8 bytes of data from my combined file at a time? Anyway, I can largely follow it but not completely. Any additional info you can give me would be a big help. Thanks. 


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