FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

SPI Slave for MAX II

Honored Contributor II

Does anyone know if there is a SPI slave already written in VHDL that can fit in a MAX II - 324 device? It would save me a lot of time looking or building my own for the infrequent use that it will get. I note that SOPC Builder supports a SPI Master, which is fine, because I will be using the NIOS to talk to the MAX II, but what I need is the slave - and there are no megawizards for it. Thanks in advance.

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

In principle, it's just a shift register. But you may imagine more complex functions, e.g. multiple addressable registers. You'll find different SPI IP at opencores.org, because of the changing application dependendent requirements, I prefer to write it from the scratch.

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