Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16610 Discussions

PLL reconfiguration not accepted

Honored Contributor II

I'm having problems with a small part of a pretty big design. I want to phase shift a PLL output (Stratix II) and have instantiated megafunctions for PLL and PLL_RECONFIG and connected them like this: 

// ======================================================================== // Signals // ======================================================================== wire scanclk, scandata, scanread, scanwrite, scandataout, scandone; wire reconf_busy, reconf_reset; wire pll_areset; wire data_in; // ======================================================================== // PLL_RX // ======================================================================== ext_pll_rx pll_rx_i ( .areset ( pll_areset ), .inclk0 ( hs_rx_clk ), .scanclk ( scanclk ), .scandata ( scandata ), .scanread ( scanread ), .scanwrite ( scanwrite ), .c0 ( c0 ), .locked ( locked ), .scandataout ( scandataout ), .scandone ( scandone ), .enable0 ( enable ), .sclkout0 ( sclkout ) ); // ======================================================================== // PLL_RX Reconfig // ======================================================================== pll_rx_reconfig pll_rx_reconfig_i ( .clock ( clk ), .counter_param ( 3'b010 ), .counter_type ( 4'b0100 ), .data_in ( data_in ), .pll_areset_in ( 1'b0 ), .pll_scandataout ( scandataout ), .pll_scandone ( scandone ), .read_param ( 1'b0 ), .reconfig ( phase_shift ), .reset ( reconf_reset ), .write_param ( write_param ), .busy ( reconf_busy ), .data_out ( ), .pll_areset ( pll_areset ), .pll_scanclk ( scanclk ), .pll_scandata ( scandata ), .pll_scanread ( scanread ), .pll_scanwrite ( scanwrite ) );But during Analysis & Synthesis I receive the following warning: 

Warning: PLL "singlechannel:ch0_i|pll_rx_ps:pll_rx_ps_i|ext_pll_rx:pll_rx_i|altpll:altpll_component|pll" has scan reconfiguration ports connected, but PLL scan reconfiguration is not being used (since port SCANDATA is not connected) Warning: PLL "singlechannel:ch0_i|pll_rx_ps:pll_rx_ps_i|ext_pll_rx:pll_rx_i|altpll:altpll_component|pll" has port SCANCLK connected when PLL scan reconfiguration is not being usedI also get this: 

Warning (14320): Synthesized away node "singlechannel:ch0_i|pll_rx_ps:pll_rx_ps_i|pll_rx_reconfig:pll_rx_reconfig_i|pll_rx_reconfig_pllrcfg_j0r:pll_rx_reconfig_pllrcfg_j0r_component|altsyncram:altsyncram3|altsyncram_f2r:auto_generated|q_a"Why would it not accept my connections? I've spent quite some time on this now and am getting pretty frustrated. Would be very thankful for any help on the matter!
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II



Nobody has seen this before??
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Honored Contributor II

I would expect a similar result, if any of the input ports to altpll_reconfig required to trigger a reconfiguration is stuck to an inactive level.

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Honored Contributor II

I found it, not sure which of the following measures that fixed it though: 

Proper reset of altpll_reconfig (old one didn't need this) 

Have a scan chain memory initialization file for the altpll_reconfig block 

Slowed down reconfiguration clock from 20 MHz to ~1MHz
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