Programmable Devices
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20688 Discussions

modelsim lpm devide error

Honored Contributor II


I am trying to run a simulate in modelsim 

And I got those errors: 


# ** Error: C:/vhdl/modelsim/state maschine/Steer_Encoder.vhd(86): Actual (function call "conv_std_logic_vector") for formal "numer" is not a globally static expression. 

# ** Error: C:/vhdl/modelsim/state maschine/Steer_Encoder.vhd(87): Actual (function call "conv_std_logic_vector") for formal "denom" is not a globally static expression. 

# ** Error: C:/vhdl/modelsim/state maschine/Steer_Encoder.vhd(107): Actual (function call "conv_std_logic_vector") for formal "numer" is not a globally static expression. 

# ** Error: C:/vhdl/modelsim/state maschine/Steer_Encoder.vhd(108): Actual (function call "conv_std_logic_vector") for formal "denom" is not a globally static expression. 


I also found those possible solutions but didn't succeeded in implementing them 


1. To change the case sensitive in the compiler 


"To fix this problem, edit the wrapper file and change the LPM parameters to lower case before compiling" 


2. To create a library for the lpm component being used 

creating simulation libraries 

Simulation libraries are required to simulate a design that contains an Altera 

primitive, LPM function, or Altera megafunction. Depending on your design, you 

must create the required simulation libraries and link them to your design correctly." 


Tanks in advance
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8 Replies
Honored Contributor II

It sounds like you're trying to call the conv_std_logic_vector function on a port map. You need a temporary signal to call the function then map the temporary signal to the lpm_divide port.

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Honored Contributor II



I added signals and made and called the conv function outside the component and that solved it. 


but now the compiler gives errors on the components with ports that connecting to signals in the fsm 


while some ports are external ports other are ports that connect between signals in the general code so the compiler won't recognize them. 


I can't leave them as open 

I can't ignore them  

and I can't insert them to themselves  

what should I do?
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Honored Contributor II

post your code.

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Honored Contributor II

entity fsm_tb is end entity fsm_tb; architecture arc_fsm_tb of fsm_tb is --====================== fsm ports =========================================== signal System_Clk_50MHz : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal System_N_Reset : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal FSM_enable_led : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal FSM_init_led : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal FSM_type_led : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal FSM_stop_led : std_logic:= '0'; -- --====================== communication ports =========================================== signal UART_baud_sel : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- signal UART_rx : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal UART_tx : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal led_sec : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal UART_rxerr_led : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal UART_txbusy : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal UART_rx_done : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal UART_dout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- signal UART_ready_tx : std_logic:= '0'; -- --====================== motion encoder ports =========================================== signal M_E_done : std_logic:= '0'; -- signal M_E_DataIn : std_logic:= '0';-- --====================== steer encoder ports =========================================== signal S_E_done : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- signal S_E_DataIn : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- --====================== motion pwm ports =========================================== signal M_P_Pwm : std_logic:= '0'; -- --====================== steer pwm ports =========================================== signal S_P_Pwm : std_logic:= '0';-- component Steer_Pwm is generic ( DC: time:=17 ms; -- changeable clock_period: time:=20 ns; -- changeable max_pulse: time:= 1 ms; -- changeable min_pulse: time:= 2 ms; -- changeable neutral_pulse: time:= 1.5 ms -- changeable ); port ( Rst : In std_logic; -- joined Rst to the FSM system Clk : In std_logic; -- joined clock to the FSM system Enable : in std_logic; -- Enable Steer motor Pwm : Out std_logic; -- PWM pulse pulse_length : in integer ); end component Steer_Pwm; component Motion_Pwm is generic ( DC: time:=17 ms; -- changeable clock_period: time:=20 ns; -- changeable max_pulse: time:= 1 ms; -- changeable min_pulse: time:= 2 ms; -- changeable neutral_pulse: time:= 1.5 ms -- changeable ); port ( Rst : In std_logic; Clk : In std_logic; Enable : in std_logic; Pwm : Out std_logic; pulse_length : in integer ); end component Motion_Pwm; component Steer_Encoder is port ( done: out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); Rst: in std_logic; Enable: in std_logic; Clk: in std_logic; DataIn: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); angle: in integer; slot_number: in integer; spare: out integer; turns_number: out integer; res: in integer; spare_flag: in std_logic; turn_flag: in std_logic; turn_pulse: in integer ); end component Steer_Encoder; component Motion_Encoder is port ( done: out std_logic; Rst: in std_logic; Enable: in std_logic; Clk: in std_logic; DataIn: in std_logic; distance: in integer; slot_number: in integer; wheel_radius: in integer ); end component Motion_Encoder; component Communication is generic ( ndbits : natural := 8); port ( Clk : in std_logic; Rst : in std_logic; baud_sel : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); rx : in std_logic; tx : out std_logic; led_sec : out std_logic; rxerr_led : out std_logic; txbusy : out std_logic; rx_done : out std_logic; dout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ready_tx : in std_logic; din : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end component Communication; begin test : entity work.fsm generic map ( DC => 17 ms, clock_period => 20 ns, max_pulse => 1 ms, min_pulse => 2 ms, neutral_pulse => 1.5 ms ) port map ( --====================== fsm ports =========================================== System_Clk_50MHz => System_Clk_50MHz, System_N_Reset => System_N_Reset, FSM_enable_led => FSM_enable_led, FSM_init_led =>FSM_init_led, FSM_type_led => FSM_type_led, FSM_distance_value_led => FSM_distance_value_led, FSM_stop_led =>FSM_stop_led, FSM_angle_value_led => FSM_angle_value_led, --====================== communication ports =========================================== UART_baud_sel =>UART_baud_sel, UART_rx => UART_rx, UART_tx => UART_tx, led_sec=> led_sec, UART_rxerr_led => UART_rxerr_led, UART_txbusy => UART_txbusy, UART_rx_done=> UART_rx_done, UART_dout=> UART_dout, UART_ready_tx=> UART_ready_tx, --====================== motion encoder ports =========================================== M_E_done=> M_E_done, M_E_DataIn=> M_E_DataIn, --====================== steer encoder ports =========================================== S_E_done => S_E_done, S_E_DataIn => S_E_DataIn, --====================== motion pwm ports =========================================== M_P_Pwm=> M_P_Pwm, --====================== steer pwm ports =========================================== S_P_Pwm => S_P_Pwm ); steer_pwm_comp: Steer_Pwm generic map ( DC => 17 ms, clock_period => 20 ms, max_pulse => 1 ms, min_pulse => 2 ms, neutral_pulse => 1.5 ms ) port map ( Rst => System_N_Reset, Clk => System_Clk_50MHz, Enable => S_P_En, Pwm => S_P_Pwm, pulse_length => S_FSM_S_P_pulse_length ); motion_pwm_comp:Motion_Pwm generic map ( DC => 17 ms, clock_period => 20 ms, max_pulse => 1 ms, min_pulse => 2 ms, neutral_pulse => 1.5 ms ) port map ( Rst => System_N_Reset, Clk => System_Clk_50MHz, Enable => M_P_En, Pwm => M_P_Pwm, pulse_length => S_FSM_M_P_pulse_length ); Uart_comp:communication generic map ( ndbits => 8 ) port map ( Clk => System_Clk_50MHz, Rst => System_N_Reset, baud_sel => UART_baud_sel, rx => UART_rx, tx => UART_tx, led_sec => led_sec, rxerr_led => UART_rxerr_led, txbusy => UART_txbusy, rx_done => UART_rx_done, dout => UART_dout, ready_tx => UART_ready_tx, din => S_FSM_dout_reg ); M_Encoder_comp:Motion_Encoder port map ( done => S_M_E_done, Rst => System_N_Reset, Enable => M_E_En, Clk => System_Clk_50MHz, DataIn => M_E_DataIn, distance => S_FSM_distance, slot_number => S_FSM_slot_number, wheel_radius => S_FSM_Wheel_radius ); S_Encoder_comp:Steer_Encoder port map ( done => S_S_E_done, Rst => System_N_Reset, Enable => S_E_En, Clk => System_Clk_50MHz, DataIn => S_E_DataIn, angle => S_FSM_angle, slot_number => S_FSM_slot_number, spare => S_FSM_spare_angle, turns_number => S_FSM_turns_number, res => S_FSM_res, spare_flag => S_FSM_spare_flag, turn_pulse => S_FSM_turn_pulse, turn_flag => S_FSM_turn_flag ); System_Clk_50MHz <= not System_Clk_50MHz after 10 ns; process begin wait until rising_edge(System_Clk_50MHz); System_N_Reset <= '0'; wait until rising_edge(System_Clk_50MHz); System_N_Reset <= '1'; wait until rising_edge(System_Clk_50MHz); end process; end architecture arc_fsm;

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Honored Contributor II

and please post the errors 


Plus I also noticed you are asserting reset every 2 clock cycles. you need to wait at the end of the process or it will loop forever.
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Honored Contributor II

error sample 

# ** Error: C:/vhdl/modelsim/state maschine/fsm_tb.vhd(253): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "s_m_e_done".# ** Error: C:/vhdl/modelsim/state maschine/fsm_tb.vhd(258): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "s_fsm_distance". 


those are signals that were defined at the fsm.vhd and enterd to the components ports
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Honored Contributor II

s_m_e_done and s_fsm_distance dont exist as signals in the testbench. you need to declare them at the top with all the other signals.

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Honored Contributor II

thanks it's working  


I thought that we only define ports as signal when we make a test bench 

and the we ignore the other logic and signals in the code ... 


So I guess that if signals or constants are been used in a way that implement on other logic we need to define them as well like functions, components ...
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