Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

I/Os timing constraints between FPGA and SDR SDRAM

Honored Contributor II

Hello, i'm sorry my english is not so good. 


I'm working on a sdr sdram controller. The board is a demo stratix development kit. The fpga is the EP1S10F780C6 and the sdram is the MT48LC4M32B2. The main clock runs at 50Mhz.  


I would like to know how can I constraint data in common between the fpga and the sdram i.e : data_in_out, DQM, clk_sdram, CKE, BA, Address, CS, CAS, RAS and WE. 


What I want to do is to use the atpll IP on quartus, to synchronize data from fpga and SDRAM clock. I use the zero delay buffer option of the pll and fast input/output registers. 


To estimate the location and duration of the valid signal window i need to know the timing parameters provided in the Quartus II software compilation report. 

My problem is that i'm not able to interpret them correctly. 


So i'm looking in the Datasheet report of the TimeQuest Timing analyzer menu. I find : 


Setup Times:  

Data_in_out[*] : 1.528 


Hold times : 

Data_in_out[*] : -1.373 


Clock to output times: 

Address[*] : 9.505 

DQM[*] : 6.050 

Data_in_out[*] : 6.084 

CAS : 6.055 

CS : 6.061 

RAS : 6.050 

We : 6.061 


Minimum clock to output times :  

Address[*] : 8.105 

CAS : 6.061 

CS : 6.061 

DQM[*] : 6.050 

Data_in_out[*] : 6.050 

RAS : 6.050 

WE : 6.061 


I saw on that i need : 

the clock period,  

the minimum clock-to-output time, 

the maximum clock-to-output time, 

the maximum hold time after clock, 

and the maximum setup time before clock. 


But regarding the setup time I thought that 1.528 ns was the minimum tsu so how can i find the maximum value? 

Then i guess minimum tco is 8.105, the max tco is 9.505 and th min -1.373. Am I right? 


On my .sdc file I wrote : 


create_clock -name "Main_clk" -period 20.000ns [get_ports {H}] 

create_clock -name "virt_clk" -period 20.000ns 

set_input_delay -clock "Main_clk" -max 1.528ns [get_ports {H}] 

set_input_delay -clock "Main_clk" -min 0ns [get_ports {H}] 


derive_pll_clocks -create_base_clocks 


set_input_delay -clock "virt_clk" -max 1.748ns [get_ports {Data_in_out[*] init start}]  

set_input_delay -clock "virt_clk" -min -0ns [get_ports {Data_in_out[*] init start}]  


set_output_delay -clock "virt_clk" -max 4.55ns [get_ports {Address[*] CS CKE CAS 

BA[*] Data_in_out[*] DQM[*] RAS We}]  

set_output_delay -clock "virt_clk" -min 2.0ns [get_ports {Address[*] CS CKE CAS 

BA[*] Data_in_out[*] DQM[*] RAS We}]  



I don't know how to set the constraints according to the datasheet report. For example for the set_out_delay -max, if the value is upper than 4.55 ns i don't meet the timings. 

Then I used virtual clock but I don't know if it's correct, i saw that's it's important to do this way. 

And i didn't make any constraint for the clk out, is it correct ? How can I do it? 


My last question is about the SDRAM device. Timings depend on CL and speed grade. I'm using it with CL=3 and I'm not sure about the speed grade. How can I find it? It's 6 or 7. 


Thank you for your consideration.
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