Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20705 Discussions

add_sw_property now all-caps unquoted strings (v11.0)

Honored Contributor II



We had device drivers and rtos package described using _sw.tcl scripts. 


Some of those are using the following Tcl command to generate defines in the auto-generated system.h file, like this: 


add_sw_setting unquoted_string system_h_define timer.config_cpu_clk_hz MY_CONFIG_CPU_CLK_HZ "((unsigned long) PORT_SYS_CLK_FREQ)" "Frequency of the core processor" 


This was working fine until we switched from v8.1 to v11.0. Now the resulting defines are all caps like: 


# define ((unsigned long) PORT_SYS_CLK_FREQ) 


...which obviously generates a compiler error. So now it is forbidden to use any std C identifiers for type, qualifiers, custom types or whatever that have small caps in it. 


Altera says it depends on the Java lib they use and won't fix it. I highly doubt this. 


Any work around?
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