Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

How do I fix this error

Honored Contributor II

Yesterday I left work with my project compiling just fine. I then came back today and when I opened the project I now get this error: 



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Internal Error: Sub-system: PDB, File: /quartus/db/pdb/pdb_error.cpp, Line: 158 

pdb_id <= object_info->m_ptr_table_size 

Stack Trace: 

0x6b34: PDB_SEGMENT_READER::xfr_ptr + 0x14 (DB_PDB ) 

0x6b57d: SIN_DAG_LEAF:: operator<< + 0x2e2 (TSM_SIN ) 

0x6ca3f: SIN_DAG_LEAF:: operator<< + 0x17a4 (TSM_SIN ) 

0x6cb97: SIN_DAG_LEAF:: operator<< + 0x18fc (TSM_SIN ) 

0x3f89: PDB_VIRTUAL_OBJECT_INFO::finish_reading + 0x39 (DB_PDB ) 

0x37bb: PDB_SEGMENT_READER::finish_reading_all + 0x3b (DB_PDB ) 

0xd898: pdb_read_ptr + 0x58 (DB_PDB ) 

0x2cb62: SIN_DB_MANAGER_BODY:: post_all_messages + 0x222 (TSM_SIN) 

0x2d42a: SIN_DB_MANAGER_BODY::get_type_name + 0x1aa (TSM_SIN ) 

0x2d86d: SIN_DB_MANAGER_BODY:: pdb_read_sin_manager + 0x6d (TSM_SIN) 

0x5e409: __RTDynamicCast + 0x19 (MSVCR90 ) 




Quartus II Version 9.1 Build 222 10/21/2009 SJ Web Edition 


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It only does this when compiling this specific project. It seems to happen during fitter. Please help! 


I'm using Quartus II 9.1 


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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Try using a newer version of Quartus II (11.0). This is likely a bug that has already been fixed.

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Honored Contributor II

What did the help option tell you? [click on the error and chose help]

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Honored Contributor II

The thing that keeps up from upgrading to a newer version of Quartus II is that we tried to upgrade to 10.0 when it was the newest and it would no longer detect our byteblaster II (uses the parallel port instead of the USB ) due to this reason we have stuck with 9.1. 



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What did the help option tell you? [click on the error and chose help] 

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How am I able to view the help option? When the error comes up my only options are to submit a service request or to cancel. I can't see where I can click on the error and choose help.  


Thanks for your replies.
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Honored Contributor II

Ok today I upgraded to 9.1sp2 since that will still recognize my byteblaster II. That fixed the problem. I'm still confused why one day it worked and without doing anything it goes ballistic the next day.  


Thanks for your help.
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