Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

Array Indexing possible in VHDL?

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, i have an enquiry regarding VHDL. let's say i have a 128 bits key which is split into 4 parts: 


--divide the key into 4 parts k0<=key(127 downto 96); k1<=key(95 downto 64); k2<=key(63 downto 32); k3<=key(31 downto 0); is it possible to do something like in c language in VHDL: 







where k[] is a 4 element array...i am aware that the bus width is uneven issue but is there anyway to implement this in VHDL? if not any ideas how i can implement this in VHDL? thanx in advance!
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You can create an indexed type 


type key_t is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); 

signal k : key_t; 


and then in your code, you can take advantage of loops too 




for i in 0 to 3 loop 

k(i) <= key(32*(i+1)-1 downto 32*i); 

end loop; 

end process; 



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Honored Contributor II

hi dave, thank you so much for the informative reply! actually i'm trying to implement XTEA: 


The following is the VHDL code i'm working on: 

Library IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity XTEA is Port ( clk:in std_logic; input: in unsigned(63 downto 0); key : in unsigned(127 downto 0); Encoder_output,Decoder_output: out unsigned(63 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture rtl of XTEA is signal k0,k1,k2,k3: unsigned(31 downto 0); signal n:integer:=0; signal key_array: unsigned (3 downto 0); type key_t is array (0 to 3) of unsigned(31 downto 0); signal k : key_t; begin process(clk,input) variable z,z_up,z_mid,z_down,z_total,y,y_up,y_mid,y_down,y_total: unsigned (31 downto 0); variable sum: unsigned (31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; variable delta: unsigned (31 downto 0) := x"9e3779b9"; variable test,test1,test2,test3 : unsigned (31 downto 0); variable natvar,natvar1,natvar2,natvar3 : integer; begin --divide the key into 4 parts k(3)<=key(127 downto 96); k(2)<=key(95 downto 64); k(1)<=key(63 downto 32); k(0)<=key(31 downto 0); if(rising_edge(clk)) then if (n=0) then --divide input into y and z y:= input(63 downto 32); z:= input (31 downto 0); --sum:=x"00000000"; -- try take this out later elsif (n=32) then --for decode:delta is delta*2^5 for 32=(2^5) round sum:=delta(26 downto 0)&"00000"; end if; --encode if (n <32) then test:=sum and x"00000003"; test1:="00000000000" & sum(31 downto 11); --shift by 11 bits to the right natvar:=to_integer(test); natvar1:=to_integer(test1); z_total:=(((z(27 downto 0)&"0000") XOR ("00000"&z(31 downto 5)))+z) XOR( sum + k( natvar downto natvar ) ); y:=y+z_total; sum:=sum+delta; y_total:=(((y(27 downto 0)&"0000") XOR ("00000"&y(31 downto 5)))+y) XOR (sum+ k(natvar1 downto natvar1 ) ); z:=z+y_total; Encoder_output<=y&z; --decode elsif(n<64) then if(n=32) then sum:=delta*32; end if; test2:=sum and x"00000003"; test3:="00000000000" & sum(31 downto 11); --shift by 11 bits to the right natvar2:=to_integer(test2); natvar3:=to_integer(test3); test1:=sum and x"00000003"; natvar1:=to_integer(test1); y_total:=(((y(27 downto 0)&"0000") XOR ("00000"&y(31 downto 5)))+y) XOR (sum+ k(natvar3 downto natvar3)); z:=z-y_total; sum:=sum-delta; z_total:=(((z(27 downto 0)&"0000") XOR ("00000"&z(31 downto 5)))+z) XOR(sum + k(natvar2 downto natvar2)); y:=y+z_total; Decoder_output<=y&z; end if; n<=n+1; --counter end if; end process; end rtl;  



Using the method you suggested, i encountered some problems: 

Error (10327): VHDL error at XTEA.vhd(59): can't determine definition of operator ""+"" -- found 0 possible definitions 


The problem lines are bolded...apparently my array (named k(0 to 3)) has the type of key_t but other operations are done in unsigned type. i tried converting k() to unsigned using "unsigned(k())" but to no avail. is there anyway to go about this? Than a lot for the great help again! have a nice day ahead!:)
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Honored Contributor II

The cause of the error is different from what you assume. This expression can't work, because it results in a subarray rather than a single array element k( natvar downto natvar ). Do you mean k( natvar)


In addition, an expression length error is involved with sum:=delta*32;
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Honored Contributor II

On another note - you're indexing into K (that has 4 elements) with a 32 bit integer. What happens when natvar2 or 3 are greater than 3?

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Honored Contributor II

Thank you FvM for pointing out my mistakes. yes i meant k(natvar)...also the delta*32 is not possible so i replaced it with delta(26 downto 5) & "00000". and the code works! thank you again for your help! on a side note, i am experiencing some weird simulation waveform where by after 64 counts, the cycle repeats itself again which is not suppose to happen (circled in red) (


...any idea what happen?  



Thanx tricky for bringing that natvar issue up...i'll try and figure it out...sorry for my mistakes...i'm a total newbie trying to learn haha
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Honored Contributor II

Apparently the integer counter is optimized to 0 to 63 range and overflows. If you want to stop operation after one pass, you should do explicitely.

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