Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

troubles with Nios2 ide and Windows7

Honored Contributor II

I have troubles with Nios2 ide and Windows7 


I have a new PC with AMD A6-360 (4xCPU), 2,6GHz, 4GB RAM and Windows7 (32). 

I have bandied from XP to Win7. If I compile the Nios SW project with “nios2-ide.exe” under XP it is OK. If I compile under Win7 the Nios SW project with “nios2-ide.exe” or with “eclipse-nios2.exe”. I get the error messages. 


D:\_Prg\PrgEPLD\Altera\DesignSuite110web\quartus\bin\cygwin\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0x6C0000, top 0x6D0000, reserve_size 61440, allocsize 65536, page_const 4096 

1 [main] sh 3144 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0x100, errno 11 


D:\_Prg\PrgEPLD\Altera\DesignSuite101web\quartus\bin\cygwin\bin\make.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0x9E0000, top 0xAD0000, reserve_size 978944, allocsize 983040, page_const 4096 

2 [main] make 4980 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0x100, errno 11 


I get this error under Quartus/Nios2-ide versions 9.1 Subscription, 10.1 web and 11.0 web. 

I have started my PC with minimal driver and services (msconfig -> diagnose). 

I have made a DW in /HKLM/Software/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/heap_chunk_in_mb 1024. 

I started the IDE in XP compatibility modes and as administrator. 

The problem is ever the same. 


What is the problem? 


Thank You! 


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