Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Library in QSYS

Honored Contributor II

Hello everybody, 


I've got a bit silly question about using QSYS. 


I usually work with several libraries. Each library contains a top representing an IP (such as, for example, MedianFilter IP in medianfilter_lib, UART IP in uart_lib, ...) 

When I use QSYS to integrate this IP, the .QIP file generated by QSYS mentionned for all IP 'lib_system' as the requested library... but in my cases, it is either medianfilter_lib, ... 

The result is that the analysis&elaboration process in Quartus fails (design library medianfilter_lib does not contain primary unit medianfilter_top). 


Do you have any workaround? 


Many thanks!
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

In the _hw.tcl file add the libraries, eg., here's the files I need for my SRAM controller: 


add_file ../../packages/src/utilities_pkg.vhd {SYNTHESIS SIMULATION} add_file ../../packages/src/altera_avalon_pkg.vhd {SYNTHESIS SIMULATION} add_file ../src/avs_sram_fsm.vhd {SYNTHESIS SIMULATION} add_file ../src/avs_sram.vhd {SYNTHESIS SIMULATION}  


I suspect that your problem is you have added only the source for your component, and have not listed the libraries it uses. 



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Honored Contributor II

I absolutely agree with you but how do you associate a module (or a file) with a library that will be used in the .QIP file generated by QSYS in such a way that you will have: 

set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE -library sdramcontroller_lib  


and not 

set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE -library lib_system
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I absolutely agree with you but how do you associate a module (or a file) with a library ... 


--- Quote End ---  

Hmm, good question. 


I haven't used Qsys a great deal. However, in SOPC builder I found that VHDL libraries were not well supported. I just looked at the add_file documentation, and it does not have an option for the library in which to compile it.  


I also found that the automatically generated instances always missed the lines: 


Library mylib; 

using mylib.mycomponent.all; 


So I resorted to using the callbacks to create my own top-level instances. Quartus does not complain about these missing library calls, but Modelsim does. 


I'm not sure if this 'feature' has been carried through to Qsys. 



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Honored Contributor II

i've found Quartus VHDL library support to be poor in general

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Honored Contributor II

Ok, many thanks for your 2 answers... 


I found a solution: 

I use a .QIP file so as to list all requested VHDL files 


My new _HW.tcl: 

... add_file module_name.qip {SYNTHESIS SIMULATION} ...I create a module_name.qip file: 

set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE -library common_lib set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE -library module_lib set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE -library module_lib set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE -library module_lib
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Honored Contributor II

Just wanted to mention that I had strange problems with Analysis&Synthesis of a project with a generated Qsys component, and I believe my problems could be attributed to the library handling as well. 


For a Qsys custom component, I had stuff defined in a package (which is often necessary, with no workaround) and accessing packages need explicit library specification (use work.mypackage; etc). This usually works fine (for some reason, Quartus still finds the package althogh the generated Qsys system will place all units in a specific Qsys library), but I had one persistent error were something went wrong. It turned out that Analysis&Synthesis was unable to call a function in the custom package (the function was used to provide the actual for a generic). 


I finally could work-around this by declaring a constant in the package, initializing the constant with the function (in the same pakcage), and provide the actual from that constant. In this way Analysis&Synthesis called the package function during package elaboration, not when elaborating the entity that needed the value. 


My suspicion that this was a VHDL library issue is strengthen by the fact that instantiating the component directly in the Quartus project, rather than have it generated by Qsys, worked fine.
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