Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Model a matching bit in Modelsim

Honored Contributor II

Greetings I have to watch this bit of code below: It is a string of 20 bits that has a string of ten bits shifting through it trying to match it's ten bits within the 20 bit string. kind of like a key finding where it fits.  



syn_frame_gen: for i in (9) downto (0) generate syn_frame_vhdl: entity work.mycmp10_vhdl port map (d => d20s((9+i) downto (i)), d1 => "0101111100",--syn1 d2 => "1010000011", --syn2 match => ind_syn(i)); end generate syn_frame_gen;  


Here is the item mycmp10 

entity mycmp10_vhdl is port (d,d1,d2 : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); match : out std_logic); end mycmp10_vhdl; architecture rtl of mycmp10_vhdl is signal d1equal, d2equal : std_logic; begin d1equal <= '1' when d1 = d else '0'; d2equal <= '1' when d2 = d else '0'; match <= ( d1equal) OR (d2equal); --need to simulate end rtl; 


I need a quick and easy way to flag this in modelsim everytime I get a match. How do I write a scrip to show something on the wave display that will let me know when a match is made.  


Some sort of virtual signal or something? I am new to modelsim and cannot seem to dig the right stuff out of the manuals. 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

You could add an assertion. 


assert (match = '1') report "Match found!" severity note; This will generate markers in the Modelsim wave window. 


(Actually it might be match /= '1', since the assertion triggers when not true) 



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