Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

verilog-module instantiation

Honored Contributor II

hi all... currently working on a project, i have a top level module (module A), with a module instantiated in it ,module B. I just have one question. When does the system know when to start running module B ? 


in module A, i have all the input to module B declared and assigned. However, at certain point of the codes, where there are supposed to have output from module B, the system just seems not running module B. When i simulated using modelsim, all the variables in module B are 'x'. 

any clue why is this happening ? or did i make any mistakes anywhere ? please advice...thanks... 


p/s: sorry if i make my question complicated...i am still new to verilog...:confused:
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15 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Everytime I've done that, it's because I forgot to drive something into the module, it became unknown and propogated around. You said you're driving everything, but maybe worth a double-check. 

I think modelsim has a tracex capability, where you can trace an x back to where it came from. I only used it once and struggled to figure it out(I have very little modelsim experience), so maybe someone else can post more details?
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Honored Contributor II

ya, confirmed that i drive all the inputs into the module. 

i thought that if we drive all the necessary inputs to the module, it should start operating and come up with an ?
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Honored Contributor II

Is the output dependent on something that might not be initialized like a flip flop or RAM in module B? 


Also I would double check signal widths in both modules to make sure signals are not getting truncated somewhere in your logic. I'm not sure if there is a way to check for this in Modelsim but the Quartus II synthesis engine should issue you a warning when this happens.
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Honored Contributor II


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Is the output dependent on something that might not be initialized like a flip flop or RAM in module B? 


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sorry, but i don't really understand this question. There is output from module B that i need in module A. 

perhaps i will just provide you guys with parts of the code to make things clear. 


module A; reg s, sq, sqe; reg q; reg s_length, q_length, sqe_length; reg subset_start; wire subset_out,subset_done; B mod_B(q,q_length,sqe,sqe_length,subset_start,subset_out,subset_done); always @* begin subset_start=0; cS=3'd 1; s=s_in; s_length=5'd 1; q=s_in; q_length=5'd 1; sq={s,q}; sqe=sq>>1; sqe_length=s_length+q_length-1; subset_start=1; (some codes here) case (subset_out) 1: begin . . . (some codes here) end 0:begin . . . (some codes here) end end endmodule module B(q,q_length,sqe,sqe_length,start,out,done); input start; input q_length; input q; input sqe; input sqe_length; output reg out,done; always @ (posedge start) begin . . . (codes) end endmodule  



as you can see, i had initialized every input to module B. i'm just wondering why i can't get any output out of it. Module B wasn't executing where it should be.  


the variable "subset_start" in module A was used to trigger the always block in module B. Can i do something like this ? Or i did it in the wrong way ?
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Honored Contributor II

I meant initialize registers/RAMs in the submodule. I see in module B you have some sort of net with sensitivity to 'start' but without seeing that net I have no clue what you have implemented. If your intent was to create a flipflop you should be driving it with a clock and reset as well and using an enable bit if you don't want it to capture every clock cycle. If you don't drive a reset into a register at the beginning of the simulation you'll get unknown data out of it (Modelsim can't assume high or low outputs from unitialized regs/RAMs). There are templates in Quartus II under the edit menu you can take a look at for typical hardware blocks such as registers, memory, etc...

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Honored Contributor II

As shown above, module A has no in- or ouputs. But there are undefined signals like s_in. I think. it's pointless to discuss the problem details at this level of information. 


There are basically three possible reasons: 

- missing simulation stimulus 

- the output depends on the state of uninitialized internal signals, as discussed by BadOmen 

- missing data path in the internal logic 


As Rysc metioned, Modelsim has perfect means to trace where the unexpected ouput comes from.
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Honored Contributor II

actually module A do have inputs and outputs. I just didn't include them here because my main concern is on the module instantiation. I just want to show that the input to module B are defined. So just ignore the inputs and output of module A. 

And, module B is not a register/RAM nor a flipflop...what i m trying to do is, i want to make module B a function, that i could call anytime i want, like in C language. Can it works this way? I did it wrong ?
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Honored Contributor II

You mean that module B is pure combinational. That's possible of course.  



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I just want to show that the input to module B are defined. 

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Defined yes, but we can't see if all variables are initialized as well. Apparently they aren't.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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You mean that module B is pure combinational. That's possible of course.  

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so did i did it the correct way ? please advice...:(
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Honored Contributor II

Inputs need to be driven in the simulation by respective source variables. Verilog variables (registers) have an intial state of 'x'. 


All variables, that should not have the default 'x' state must be initialized or explicitely assigned.
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Honored Contributor II

ok...then how am i going to control when to execute the submodule ?

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Honored Contributor II

Modules are instantiated in concurrent code and unconditionally "executed".

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Honored Contributor II

is it possible to make it "contidionally" ?

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Honored Contributor II

Your module contains only combinational logic. How do you want to make it conditional? A clocked module can be designed conditional with a clock enable.

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Honored Contributor II

I highly recommend you copy the entire submodule into the post. You put "codes here" which leaves us guessing what you have coded in there making it difficult to give you suggestions of what might not be driven/initialized. 


Here is an example of what FvM and I are talking about: 


always @ (posedge clk) 


if (enable) 

my_register <= input_data; 



In that simple code fragment I have a register that captures input_data when enable is high. What is missing is the reset condition so until the enable signal is driven high 'my_register' will drive out unknown contents if I were to simulate this.
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