Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Qsys ip-generate problem with ip search path

Honored Contributor II

I am trying to take a project that I usually generate using the QSys GUI in Linux and generate it via command line, using the IP generate command. This has worked flawlessly in the past. The first few lines of the Generate dialog box in Qsys give the command. I copy and paste that command into a shell script and it runs fine. 


Now, I'm having an issue on a new design that uses a third-party IP core. It generates fine in the Qsys GUI but does not generate from the command line, complaining that the core is not found. I have verified that the path to the core is in ~/.altera.quartus/ip/11.1sp2/ip_search_path/user_components.ipx, but the command line ip-generate does not seem to be using these paths. Can anyone help me resolve this?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I should add that I can't change the location of these third-party IP cores. So a solution would ideally let me specify some arbitrary path to search for IP.

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Honored Contributor II

did you try  


ip-generate --search-path=.,../../path/to/ip/,$ ... 


where $ means "search all the default places as well" ? 


you may need to escape the $ or write it as $$ in a Makefile.
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