Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16598 Discussions

add .qsys is good, add .qip of the Qsys is bad

Honored Contributor II


When I add the .qip generated by Qsys-edit in my Quartus project,  

as said in PDF manuals, 

and then develop software for that, I get mismatched timestamps 

Expected system timestamp: 1348579121 Connected system timestamp: 1348748439 

Difference is near 3min 50s. 


When I add the .qsys in my quartys project (previously removed .qip from project), 

timestamps match. 

But Quartus resynthesizes the Qsys component wich takes a few minutes. 


Adding .qip save compilation time, it would be better if timestamps match. Just for you Altera developpers. 

Kindest regards.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

i have never seen this error, and cant understand why you would either. I would suggest checking that the qsys file is removed entirely from the qsf to ensure the qsys system is not being regenerated during compilation.

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Honored Contributor II

When I remove .qsys and add .qip in project settings, the .qsf file is properly regenerated : it contains no reference to .qsys. 


But I may find : my qsys system is not at the project root path, it is in a custom "src" subdirectory. Maybe the (minor) problem is this. 


OK, that was the problem. 

I saved my Qsys in my Quartus project root directory, deleted the old qsys, adapt project files settings, and everything is correct. :) 


quartus 12.0sp1 + nios ii web edition 

qsys from scratch (no sopc to qsys migration : that is to say tri-stated components are from qsys) 

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