Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

Need to tell Quartus to use logic and not RAM for shift registers

Honored Contributor II

I found a couple old threads on this subject, but their solutions aren't working for me. I have a few small (12 bit by 4 or 5 cycles) pipelines in a design, and Quartus (version 13.1 at the moment) keeps dedicating RAM blocks to them. 


To isolate the problem, I created this example: 

module fpga_tester( input clk, input data_in, output data_out ); wire pipeline_outs ; pipline_helper# (.width(12), .max_delay(4)) data_pipe(.clk, .in(data_in), .out_d(pipeline_outs)); assign data_out = pipeline_outs; endmodule module pipline_helper# ( parameter width = 1, max_delay = 1 )( input clk, input in, output logic out_d ); initial begin for(int n=1; n<=max_delay; n++) out_d = '0; end always @(posedge clk) begin out_d <= in; for(int n=2; n<= max_delay; n++) out_d <= out_d; end endmodule  


pipeline_helper is a module that I use in code where I need a lot of shift registers. It has multiple outputs to make it easier to reuse, but this particular code only cares about the output of the last stage. 


When I build that code in Quartus, it uses a RAM block. I tried adding "//synthesis keep" to pretty much every line of it, but it still turns into RAM. I also tried going into synthesis settings and changing the maximum allowable number of RAM blocks to 0. The design still turns into RAM. 


Am I missing something obvious? Are there any other constraints that would cover this?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


Try using: 


(* ramstyle = "logic" *) output logic out_d
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks, that's working great!

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