Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

CIC Filter: code not compiling!

Honored Contributor II



could someone please take a look at the code below and tell me why it is not compiling?  


module cicdecim64 ( input clk, input reset, output reg clk2, input signed x_in, output signed y_out); parameter hold=0, sample=1; reg state; //sample or hold states reg count; //count till 63 starting from 0 reg signed x; //input wire signed sx; //sign extended input reg signed i0; //Integrator output section 0 reg signed i1; //output section 1 under the consideration of Haugenauer's pruning reg signed i2; reg signed z0, c1, c0; // Integrator+COMB 0 reg signed z1, c2; reg signed z2, c3; assign sx={{18{x_in}},x_in}; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin : FSM if (reset) begin // Asynchronous reset x<=0; i0<=0; i1<=0; i2<=0; c0<=0; c1<=0; c2<=0; c3<=0; z0<=0; z1<=0; z2<=0; count <= 0; state <= hold; clk2 <= 0; end else begin if (count == 31) begin count <= 0; state <= sample; clk2 <= 1; end else begin count <= count + 1; state <= hold; clk2 <= 0; end end x <= sx; i0 <= i0 + x; i1 <= i1+i0; i2 <= i2+i1; if((count>16)&&(count<32)) // ERROR HERE clk2 <=1; else clk2 <=0; // COMB if(state==sample) // ERROR HERE begin count <= 0; c0 <= i2; z0 <= c0; c1 <= c0-z0; z1 <= c1; c2 <= c1-z1; z2 <= c2; c3 <= c2-z2; end end assign y_out=c3;//Gain compensation endmodule 


I keep on getting the following error: 

Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at wb_hp_f.v(59): cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct 

Error (10200): Verilog HDL Conditional Statement error at wb_hp_f.v(66): cannot match operand(s) in the condition to the corresponding edges in the enclosing event control of the always construct 


Additional tips are also welcome. 


Thanks in advance
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Disclaimer: I am not great with Verilog. 


Take a look at line 55 ( x <= sx; ). Should this (and the 7 lines below it) be happening on posedge clk? If yes, you have an end (on line 53) in the wrong place. If no, I'm not sure you can use the "if" construct. Take a second look and see if anything pops out at you. 


I hope this helps.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



Thanks. Yes I believe you are right, I seem to have an extra end. I'll see if that solves the problem.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

It's a non-synthesizable edge sensitive always block structure. 


You need to follow the template 


always @( ) begin if (<asynchronous condition>) begin // asynchronous action end else begin // synchronous action end // you have additional code here, conflicting with synchronous or asynchronous actions end
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hey FvM, 


That makes sense. I changed the code to the following: 


module cicdecim64 ( input clk, input reset, output reg clk2, input signed x_in, output signed y_out); parameter hold=0, sample=1; reg state; reg count; reg signed x; wire signed sx; reg signed i0; reg signed i1; reg signed i2; reg signed z0=0; reg signed c1=0; reg signed c0=0; reg signed z1=0; reg signed z2=0; reg signed c2=0; reg signed c3=0; always @(negedge clk) begin: FSM case(state) hold: begin if(count<63) state <= hold; else state <= sample; end default: state <= hold; endcase end assign sx={{18{x_in}},x_in}; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin // Asynchronous reset x<=0; i0<=0; i1<=0; i2<=0; //c0<=0; //c1<=0; //c2<=0; //c3<=0; //z0<=0; //z1<=0; //z2<=0; count <= 0; clk2 <= 0; end else begin x <= sx; i0 <= i0 + x; i1 <= i1+i0; i2 <= i2+i1; case(state) sample: begin c0<= i2; count<=0; end default: count<=count+1; endcase if((count>16)&&(count<32)) begin clk2 <=1; end else begin clk2 <=0; end end end // COMB always @(posedge clk2) begin z0 <= c0; c1 <= c0-z0; z1 <= c1; c2 <= c1-z1; z2 <= c2; c3 <= c2-z2; end assign y_out=c3;//Gain compensation endmodule 


It synthesizes now, but I'm concerned about the reset process. I cannot add the reg driven by clk2 in the 1st reset, and if I include a second reset in the always @(posedge clk2) block, it will endup conflicting with the fact that c0 has been used previously in the block driven by the original clk (when state=sample). How to solve this?
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