Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

MIPS Processor

Honored Contributor II

I need help understand this file. 

How is the ALU control code generated? 

-- Execute module (implements the data ALU and Branch Address Adder -- for the MIPS computer) LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_SIGNED.ALL; ENTITY Execute IS PORT( Read_data_1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); Read_data_2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); Sign_extend : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); Function_opcode : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 5 DOWNTO 0 ); ALUOp : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 1 DOWNTO 0 ); ALUSrc : IN STD_LOGIC; Zero : OUT STD_LOGIC; ALU_Result : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); Add_Result : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); PC_plus_4 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); clock, reset : IN STD_LOGIC ); END Execute; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF Execute IS SIGNAL Ainput, Binput : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); SIGNAL ALU_output_mux : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); SIGNAL Branch_Add : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); SIGNAL ALU_ctl : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 2 DOWNTO 0 ); BEGIN Ainput <= Read_data_1; -- ALU input mux Binput <= Read_data_2 WHEN ( ALUSrc = '0' ) ELSE Sign_extend( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); -- Generate ALU control bits ALU_ctl( 0 ) <= ( Function_opcode( 0 ) OR Function_opcode( 3 ) ) AND ALUOp(1 ); ALU_ctl( 1 ) <= ( NOT Function_opcode( 2 ) ) OR (NOT ALUOp( 1 ) ); ALU_ctl( 2 ) <= ( Function_opcode( 1 ) AND ALUOp( 1 )) OR ALUOp( 0 ); -- Generate Zero Flag Zero <= '1' WHEN ( ALU_output_mux( 7 DOWNTO 0 ) = "00000000" ) ELSE '0'; -- Select ALU output ALU_result <= "0000000" & ALU_output_mux( 7 ) WHEN ALU_ctl = "111" ELSE ALU_output_mux( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); -- Adder to compute Branch Address Branch_Add <= PC_plus_4( 7 DOWNTO 2 ) + Sign_extend( 7 DOWNTO 0 ) ; Add_result <= Branch_Add( 7 DOWNTO 0 ); PROCESS ( ALU_ctl, Ainput, Binput ) BEGIN -- Select ALU operation CASE ALU_ctl IS -- ALU performs ALUresult = A_input AND B_input WHEN "000" => ALU_output_mux <= Ainput AND Binput; -- ALU performs ALUresult = A_input OR B_input WHEN "001" => ALU_output_mux <= Ainput OR Binput; -- ALU performs ALUresult = A_input + B_input WHEN "010" => ALU_output_mux <= Ainput + Binput; -- ALU performs SLT WHEN "011" => ALU_output_mux <= Ainput - Binput; -- ALU performs ? WHEN "100" => ALU_output_mux <= "00000000"; -- ALU performs ? WHEN "101" => ALU_output_mux <= "00000000"; -- ALU performs ALUresult = A_input -B_input WHEN "110" => ALU_output_mux <= Ainput - Binput; -- ALU performs SLT WHEN "111" => ALU_output_mux <= "00000000" ; WHEN OTHERS => ALU_output_mux <= "00000000" ; END CASE; END PROCESS; END behavior;  

Looking at this part of the code below. What does it mean when it says Function_opcode( 0 ) OR Function_opcode( 3 )? add $t0, $t1, $t2 

the opcode for add is 100000, how is 010 generated?  



-- Generate ALU control bits ALU_ctl( 0 ) <= ( Function_opcode( 0 ) OR Function_opcode( 3 ) ) AND ALUOp(1 ); ALU_ctl( 1 ) <= ( NOT Function_opcode( 2 ) ) OR (NOT ALUOp( 1 ) ); ALU_ctl( 2 ) <= ( Function_opcode( 1 ) AND ALUOp( 1 )) OR ALUOp( 0 );
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