Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

Modelsim Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open design unit file "..." in read mode

Honored Contributor II

Dear all,  


There is an error I need your suggestions:  


Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open design unit file "directory/file name" in read mode. Can you inform me how I can overcome it? 


I am using ModelSim Altera Starter 10.1d with Quartus II 13.1.  


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Modelsim only does what you ask, so you need to look at what you are asking it to do :) 


For example, how are you getting Modelsim to attempt to compile this file? Are you asking Quartus to run an RTL simulation, or are you running a Tcl script? 


Chances are you have an invalid filename that you are trying to pass to vcom, eg., 


vcom c:/vhdl/my_vhdl_file.vhd 


would work, but 


vcom c:\vhdl\my_vhdl_file.vhd 


would not, since the backslash is a Tcl escape character, but ... 


vcom {c:\vhdl\my_vhdl_file.vhd} 


will work, since it passes the path without interpreting the contents of {} 


You might also look for spaces in your paths ... they can be used, but you have to use "" or {} to pass the path as a "single string", since that is what Tcl wants to see. 



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