Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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how to compile the "cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" in ModelSim SE ?

Honored Contributor II

I designed a project on CycloneV and tried to do the simulation using ModelSim SE6.5c, but ModelSim reported several errors: 


# **Error: D:/RS_CELL/simulation/modelsim/cyclonev_atoms.v(4426): Module 'cyclonev_mac_encrypted' is not defined. 

# ** Error: D:/RS_CELL/simulation/modelsim/cyclonev_atoms.v(2512): Module 'cyclonev_clkena_encrypted' is not defined. 


I can't find these two module definitions in normal .v file under the directory of c:/altera/14.0/quartus/eda/sim_lib, and I guess these two modules must be defined in the "cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" under the directory of c:/altera/14.0/quartus/eda/sim_lib/mentor. But when I tried to compile "cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" in Modelsim, following errors were reported: 


** Error: D:/RS_CELL/simulation/modelsim/cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v(28): Missing '`pragma protect ????_block encoding' 

** Error: D:/RS_CELL/simulation/modelsim/cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v(29): Pragma protect keyword expected 

** Error: D:/RS_CELL/simulation/modelsim/cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v(32): A key_method must be specified. 

** Error: D:/RS_CELL/simulation/modelsim/cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v(32): near ",": syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting "class" 




Is my guess right?  

how to compile the "cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" in ModelSim SE ? 



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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I find the "cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" can be compiled by Modelsim-altera edition, why the same file can't be compiled by ModelSim SE?

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