Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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ModelSim on Debian "Cannot find Tcl library"

Honored Contributor II

Hi everybody I hope somebody can help me, I have installed the complete quartus 14.0 suite on a PC running Debian 3.16 - AMD64. So far everything including JTAG download is working except for the Modelsim (altera starter edition), when I try to run it inside quartus I get the following output in the processing tab 

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Info: *******************************************************************Info: Running Quartus II 64-Bit Shell Info: Version 14.0.0 Build 200 06/17/2014 SJ Web EditionInfo: Processing started: Wed Oct 29 12:40:11 2014 Info: Command: quartus_sh -t /home/user/altera/14.0/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/qnativesim.tcl --rtl_sim small smallInfo: Quartus(args): --rtl_sim small small Info: Info: Start Nativelink Simulation processInfo: Info: NativeLink has detected VHDL design -- VHDL simulation models will be usedInfo: Info: Starting NativeLink simulation with ModelSim-Altera softwareError: Error: Can't launch ModelSim-Altera Simulation software -- make sure the software is properly installed and the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE or MGLS_LICENSE_FILE points to the correct license file.Error: Error: NativeLink simulation flow was NOT successfulInfo: Info: For messages from NativeLink scripts, check the file /home/user/VHDL/small_test/small_nativelink_simulation.rpt 

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Additionally a pop-up window displays this: 

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Can't launch ModelSim-Altera Simulation software -- make sure the software is properly installed and the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE or MGLS_LICENSE_FILE points to the correct license file..Check the NativeLink log file/path/to/log/file/nativelink_simulation.rpt for detailed error messages 

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However if I try to run ModelSim from the bash console at modelsim_ase/linuxaloem with command "./vsim" or "xterm -e vsim" (last one acording to this wiki ( I get the following message: "Cannot find Tcl library." But the modelsim_ase contains a tcl folder and in it there is also the "tcl8.4" folder, I have tried this procedure with quartus 14.0 and 13.0 obtaining the same results.Can anyone please point me in which direction should I check to solve this issueThanks*Update: I have found that the MODEL_TECH_TCL environmental variable should point to the tcl folder, I tried that but I still get the same error, are there any more environmental variables I should set?
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Any updates on this?

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