Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

Modelsim-Altera Not Starting, No Error Message

Honored Contributor II

Hi everybody, I just installed Quartus II v13.0 Web Edition and wanted to simulate a code and found out that the Modelsim-Altera is not responding to click. It is not bringing up any error message but displaying this in the Messages Utility Window: Info (22036): Successfully launched NativeLink simulation (quartus_sh -t "c:/altera/13.0/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/qnativesim.tcl" -gate_netlist "MBHPCP_State_Controller_with_MAX3000A_for_test.vho" -gate_timing_file "MBHPCP_State_Controller_with_MAX3000A_for_test_vhd.sdo" "MBHPCP_with_MAX3000A_for_test" "MBHPCP_State_Controller_with_MAX3000A_for_test") Info (22036): For messages from NativeLink execution see the NativeLink log file C:/altera/akanimo/MY COMMERCIAL PROJECTS/MBHPCP with MAX3000A/For_Test/MBHPCP_with_MAX3000A_for_test_nativelink_simulation.rpt When I try to launch it manually, it wouldn't respond either. It will only open up a file in Quartus with only "MZ�" as the content. Please, what do I do to solve this problem.

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