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How can i use ZR300 outside?

New Contributor I

Hi I'm sudo.

I have one question. i have seen this message, " ... indoor and outdoor use, ..." in ZR300 detail.. ( Intel® RealSense™ Development Kit Featuring the ZR300 - Intel® RealSense™ Developer Kits )

but when i used zr300 with surface pro4 (win10 64bit, librealsense project), ZR300's depth camera(IR) is not working

how can i use ZR300 outside?? help me..

6 Replies
Honored Contributor III

RealSense unfortunately has a history of problems when used with Surface Pros and Surface Books. Playing your video though, the camera seems to be working fine on your particular Pro, up until the moment when you step outdoors.

In this case, I believe that the IR sensor in the camera likely became saturated when you stepped out into the sunshine, especially if it was a particularly bright day. The camera has a component called the IR Emitter that works with the IR Sensor to manage light exposure. If a location is too dark or too bright, the assistance provided by the IR Emitter causes the IR Sensor to become light-saturated, causing the dark camera view that you experienced.

If you are using a ZR300, you must be using the Librealsense SDK. You can use scripting in Librealsense to turn off the IR Emitter component to help avoid saturation.

This is the Librealsense instruction for the IR emitter.


Although it references the R200 camera model, the ZR300 has identical IR components to the R200.

Example script:

* Enables / disables R200 emitter


public void setEmitterEnabled(int value) {

setOption(RealSense.RS_OPTION_R200_EMITTER_ENABLED, value);



I believe, even if you can adjust the exposure time (lower it, so the RGB images become good again) the depth image wont be available.

this is because, the IR camera searches the pattern projected by the emitter, which is however mixed with the sun light (same wavelength). Its like when you use a tiny flash light and enter into a super illuminated room, so you wont see your flashlight spot anymore...

even google tango cant do it (except the ToF camera models not using IR emitter).

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Thanks for kind anwser, MartyG, hanneswader

I have read your reply carefully

but i have known why.

therefore this message, " ... indoor and outdoor use, ..." in ZR300 detail.. ( Intel® RealSense™ Development Kit Featuring the ZR300 - Intel® RealSense™ Developer Kits ), gave me hope.

I thought, latest realsense, ZR300 will be different!


and I received ZR300, I tested ZR300 outside.

however... as you saw, ZR300 can not use outside

is this real??

Is there any other way to use ZR300 outside ?? u.u

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

The ZR300 has identical IR components to the R200 camera, which is used in the Vision Kit for Intel's "Ready To Fly" outdoor drone. Therefore it must be capable of outdoor use, otherwise everyone who put the R200 kit on their drone would be complaining that it didn't work. Intel® Aero Ready to Fly Drone - Intel® Aero Platform Developer Kits

Here is a YouTube video of an R200 being used outdoors on a sunny day. RealSense R200 with Jetson TK1 Outdoors on sunny day, Part 1 - YouTube

In that video's text description, they state that they got the results in that video by manually controlling the settings.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Thanks, I find it!

zr300 and R200 camera can use outdoors

set the IR gain and exposure in cpp-config-ui of librealsense project

gain:100, exposure:7 is nice

I got help from the site.

link: R200 Settings to Work Outdoors · Issue # 208 · IntelRealSense/librealsense · GitHub

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

Awesome, thanks for the update. Have fun outdoors!

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