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R200 Color Camera issue with Librealsense library. no matching media type for pixel format 59555932


Hello all,

For quite sometime, I am facing this weird issue with R200 color camera. Librealsense library worked awesome for few days and then all sudden it started giving me a weird texture when I run the base cpp-config-ui project. Unable to use R200 in default windows camera app as well. The depth and infrared streams are pretty normal. I attached the images of the issue. I have to redo entire work if librealsense doesn't work well with color.

Error : "RealSense error calling rs_start_source(device:000001DF94F42470, source:VIDEO): no matching media type for pixel format 59555932"

I tried looking for answers for this behavior and did reinstall(SDK+DCM), update and restart several times. Some people got it fixed with simple restarting and updating drivers, but that is not the case with me.

I changed my processor twice and it worked fine with new processor for a month and then the issue is back. I changed 3 different R200s, everything worked fine for the first time and then again the issue is back. With F200, I did not face this problem. On the other hand, Camera explorer of SDK works good.

Any help is highly appreciated. I am hoping logical explanation from Intel for this behavior. Is it realiable to use R200 with librealsense library ?

Thanks in advance,


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13 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Librealsense is rock-solid compatible with Librealsense. Problems do occur though sometimes for various reasons, just like they do with the Windows-based RealSense SDK.

Your issue is an unusual one, as problems with this sample are usually with black boxes on the depth or IR stream, not the RGB stream. Some other people on the Librealsense forums encountered this problem too and got the same blue and white texture you did. They found that they could get the camera working again if they went into the Device Manager and uninstalled the RealSense RGB driver only (it's in the Imaging Devices section of the Device Manager). no matching media type for pixel format 59555932 · Issue # 481 · IntelRealSense/librealsense · GitHub

Edit: the Device Manager solution would only be useful of course if you are using Librealsense with Windows.

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Hi Marty,

Yes, I went through the GitHub intel group. I did everything they mentioned in the link several times, I even posted the query there, we wanted to make the issue open last month. Later, I moved to new processor and found it working, hence gave up to know the reason why it happened. Now, I am facing the same issue after a month. Do you think it has anything to do with processor ? I use Intel NUC with windows 10 and visual studio 2017.

If it is something technical and sensible, I can code and fix, but issues like this, I see no way to get over with. I am looking for details that can help fix this. I do not want to keep changing the processors or R200s. Right now, I can use SDK manual to code and use the camera, but I am not sure if it is feasible with OpenCV. Librealsense is such a good package one cant give up easy.

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Honored Contributor III

When RealSense first launched in 2014, a NUC was the most stable PC you could get for using RealSense with, because it was an Intel machine and so Intel had the opportunity to ensure that RealSense would work very well with it. Three years is an eternity in tech and something may have changed since then though.

I am also not aware of issues that have definitely been caused by Visual Studio 2017. I also found an instance where the error had occurred too with Visual Studio 2015.

Have you seen this article about streaming RGB and depth using OpenCV with Librealsense? Code Sample: Use LibRealSense and OpenCV* to stream RGB and Depth Data | Intel® Software

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Thanks for your reply. I too believe its not NUC or Visual Studio issue.

Yes, I have seen the link. I did use both color and depth streams with librealsense and opencv. I even built a computer vision model based on these two libraries. Everything worked fine for a month. All sudden, one fine day, this error started occurring. Now I should either give up librealsense and use SDK developer kit or resolve this issue. I am looking for later.

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Honored Contributor III

If the camera has been running fine for a while in Windows and then one day it suddenly goes wrong, a common cause can be a new update in Windows that has downloaded and installed. For example, problems with SR300 model cameras increased after Windows 10 updated to the latest Creators Update version.

Could you please check in your System Information window if your Windows is Build 15063 (the Creators Update). you can find the system Information wndow by typing 'system' into the text box at the bottom of your Windows screen, next to the button where you shut down the PC.

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I am using Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OS of 10.0.15063 Build 15063 Version.



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Honored Contributor III

Ok. Whilst the majority of problems caused by Creators Update are related to the SR300, there have been a few cases with the F200 and R200 where the Creators Update was suspected as a cause of problems. One of those users fixed their problems by downgrading to the earlier Anniversary Edition of Windows 10.

I would not like to put you to the trouble of downgrading the Windows build and then finding that it still does not work. As I said though, 'worked fine til today' type problems do seem to be strongly related to something that has updated in Windows.

0 Kudos

Thanks Marty. I will see if that will be useful. Not sure of downgrading yet. Looks like there is no other go.

I would like to see Intel's response on the issue before downgrading the OS.

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Honored Contributor III

Ok, thank you very much. If will probably be several hours from now before Intel's official support hours begin today. and a support agent can respond

If the issue is Windows-related and you have a spare PC, an alternative that would allow you to keep developing in Librealsense would be to run it on the Ubuntu Linux OS on that machine, which is the most commonly used platform for Librealsense. Good luck!

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Hi guys,



Thank you for your patience.



We have reproduced this and verified it is a bug. We submitted this bug to the engineering team. We will update this thread when have more information available.





-Sergio A


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Thanks Sergio A.

Appreciate your efforts.

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Hello Sergio,

I received a mail stating the case has been completed on Aug 31st, 2017 from Intel. But I haven't received any feedback on how to sort the issue. Can you please help me understand your findings and how can I make my librealsense color streams work ?

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Hi pratzz,



The email you received is likely to indicate that the service ticket associated with this community thread was closed as "Submitted to Engineering". This means that the engineering team is currently working to fix this bug, however, an immediate workaround is not available yet. Once a solution is available, this thread will be updated with the relevant information or an update will be publicly made in the community.



We appreciate your understanding.



-Sergio A


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