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3335 Discussions

Matching RGB image with a different point cloud


I have a problem with the SR300 that I cannot get a good pointcloud in the presence of ambient light. I was wondering if I used a separate sensor to get a point cloud. Could I match that with the VGA image which I get from the SR300? Is it possible and if yes, how can I go about doing it?

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1 Reply

Hello Rakshith,



Thanks for contacting Intel customer support.



I apologize for the delay in answering your question.



Currently what you are looking to achieve cannot be done. This is because the the different sensors are not calibrated with each other and the SDK does not provide a way to input your own calibration. In addition the SDK does not provide a way to generate a depth frame (or point-cloud frame) from a 3rd party depth sensor.



Can you please describe the problem you are having with ambient light and the SR300?


Are you using the camera indoor or outdoors?



Let me remind you the SR300 is an indoor camera and the outdoor exposure may affect the camera performance.



Best Regards,


Juan N.