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Toolkit Error: Internal Error of a caffe network including concatination with input




The following error occurred when I tried to compile my network including a concat layer by mvNCCompile v02.00:


[Error 17] Toolkit Error: Internal Error: Could not build graph. Missing link: data


The compilation succeeded when I removed the concat layer. So I tested the following simple network and the error happened again:


name: "test_concat"


input: "data"




{ dim:1 dim:1 dim:64 dim:64 }


layer {


name: "Convolution"


type: "Convolution"


convolution_param {


num_output: 16


kernel_size: 3


dilation: 1


pad: 1




bottom: "data"


top: "Convolution"




layer {


name: "BatchNormalization"


type: "BatchNorm"


batch_norm_param {


use_global_stats: true




param {


lr_mult: 0




param {


lr_mult: 0




param {


lr_mult: 0




bottom: "Convolution"


top: "BatchNormalization"




layer {


name: "ReLU"


type: "ReLU"


bottom: "BatchNormalization"


top: "ReLU"




layer {


name: "Concatenate"


type: "Concat"


concat_param {


axis: 1




bottom: "ReLU"


bottom: "data"


top: "Concatenate"




layer {


name: "Convolution2"


type: "Convolution"


convolution_param {


num_output: 1


kernel_size: 3


dilation: 1


pad: 1




bottom: "Concatenate"


top: "Convolution2"




layer {


name: "Score"


type: "Sigmoid"


bottom: "Convolution2"


top: "Score"




It seems the duplication of the input-data may cause the error. I could not find any restriction from documents. Is it a bug of SDK?


I would appreciate any help.

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