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Intel NCS Troubleshooting Help and Guidelines

Troubleshooting Help and Guidelines




Are you having issues? Try the following:



NCSDK Installation Related Checklist


Platform and OS Check



NCSDK Version Check



Make Examples Error



Sudo/Root Installation Issues



Caffe Import Error



  • On the Raspberry Pi, a user had success by reinstalling the python decorator. This was done by typing the following command: sudo apt-get instal -reinstall python*-decorator. Reference post: (

  • A user reported that installing scikit-image worked for him. This can be done by typing in the following command: sudo pip3 install scikit-image. Reference post: (

  • A user reported that when he/she only sees the Caffe Import Error when he/she uses virtualenvs. When the user doesn't use virtualenvs, he did not run into the problem. For more information on virtualenv installation with the NCSDK , please visit

  • Make sure that the account that is using the NCSDK is the same account that was used to install the NCSDK.

  • Check your bashrc file to make sure your Python path is set.

  • Check your Python path by typing in the following command in your Ubuntu terminal to see if your Python path was set by the install script: “echo $PYTHONPATH”

  • If your Python path was not set, you can manually set your Python path by adding the following line to your bashrc file: export PYTHONPATH=/opt/movidius/caffe/python:/opt/movidius/mvnc/python:$PYTHONPATH


NCS device error or Timeout error on Raspberry Pi 3




NCSDK Neural Network Related Checks


Unsupported Networks



SDK Unsupported layers



  • Check the layers (input, hidden, output) used in your network

  • Some layers may not be supported by the current NCSDK. View the supported layers here: If the layers are not on the supported list, please let us know so that we may accommodate your needs as developers.


>1 Image Inference Not Supported



  • Check the batch size of your network’s prototxt file. Currently for the NCS, we only support a batch size of 1.


SDK Layer Errors – Index out of Range



  • Make sure to remove all layers related to training and testing. This includes data layers that rely on labeled input.


Graph File Size is too big



  • Check the size of the compiled graph file. Compatible graph files should be 320 MB or less.


Caffe Input Shape Construct Error



Trying to run Tiny Yolo V2 on Raspberry Pi?




API related help




Still Not Working?


If these suggestions don’t solve your problem(s), please create a forum post with the following information:



  1. System specifications (x86? VM? Dedicated machine? Raspberry Pi? Please include OS also)

  3. NCSDK version

  5. Python version

  7. Installation Error Log

  9. Miscellaneous Error Log with error message(s)

  11. Link to Neural Network for debugging purposes (prototxt file, caffe weights, github, pb files)

  13. Any additional relevant information

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