Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Community assistance about the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenCV, and all aspects of computer vision-related on Intel® platforms.

About float and half


Now I am running a self caffe model and it's training in float point.When I run it on NCS with C++,the outputs are different with the results outputted on windows through VS.


Following is part of the output of NCS:


Category 482 is: 10544.0


Category 483 is: -8336.0


Category 484 is: -2166.0


Category 485 is: 1444.0


Category 486 is: 2420.0


Category 487 is: 552.0


Category 488 is: 3742.0


Category 489 is: -1145.0


Category 490 is: -4592.0


Category 491 is: -3924.0


Category 492 is: -14144.0


Category 493 is: 8608.0


Category 494 is: -2808.0


Category 495 is: -264.8


Category 496 is: -2390.0


Category 497 is: 3598.0


Category 498 is: 5816.0


Category 499 is: 5216.0


Category 500 is: -4548.0


Category 501 is: 12752.0


Category 502 is: -4324.0


Category 503 is: 7444.0


Category 504 is: -2660.0


Category 505 is: 5800.0


Category 506 is: 4172.0


Category 507 is: 8680.0


Category 508 is: -3318.0


Category 509 is: 951.5


Category 510 is: 630.0


Category 511 is: 4516.0


Index of top result is: 113


Probability of top result is: 15728.0


And following is the output of VS on windows:


0.693973 0.9956 -1.04383 0.302624 0.336853 1.54326 -2.62327 -2.1755 0.34646 1.33913 -1.11766 -1.1199 -1.95261 -0.837082 0.36523 0.724509 -0.865793 -1.12518 -0.146516 1.52155 -1.79436 -0.313601 -0.725422 1.05461 0.515218 2.54319 -0.38223 1.94542 -0.186538 -0.71533 0.163427 0.284998 -3.08611 1.00865 1.15777 -0.325071 -1.65323 1.51967 1.84158 -0.526452 1.01265 -0.175593 1.33656 0.0283866 0.338035 -0.675896 2.05167 -0.452004 -1.3773 -1.69321 0.575961 -1.79048 -0.436242 1.40409 0.586798 1.83048 1.57769 -1.21422 -0.43123 1.20651 -1.47478 -0.0310141 0.98217 0.674636 0.120956 0.506346 1.81047 -1.96575 0.612426 0.586477 -1.95771 0.995132 0.98117 1.24573 0.27711 -2.59334 -0.41862 0.182753 1.31437 -0.539988 1.07199 -0.17873 0.376313 1.5717 0.210307 0.596403 -1.29091 0.41806 -1.36455 0.232549 -1.37666 2.16447 1.79488 -1.01879 0.814555 1.38125 2.97567 0.461581 0.200207 -0.472004 -1.99846 -0.0923696 -0.888577 2.52875 -0.535223 0.509798 0.197736 0.102396 -0.549576 0.350901 2.04382 -0.897249 1.7332


The VS outputs is right,however the NCS's output is wrong. Is this the problem of training in float point??

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