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mvNCProfile -in parameter Error


During testing of SSD_MobileNet model, we added to the Makefile the profile option by modifying the command example described in the documentation (, reported below for your convenience:


mvNCProfile deploy.prototxt -w bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel -s 12 -in input -on prob -is 224 224 -o GoogLeNet.graph


The resulting Makefile just contains the following additional lines:


.PHONY: profile profile: @echo "\nmaking profile"; \ ${NCPROFILE} -w ${CAFFEMODEL_FILENAME} -on detection_out -in data -s 12 -is 300 300 ${PROTOTXT_FILENAME}; \


Applied to prototxt and caffemodel downloaded by the Makefile itself, "make profile" command returns the following error:


making profile mvNCProfile -w MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel -on detection_out -in data -s 12 -is 300 300 MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt; \ mvNCProfile v02.00, Copyright @ Movidius Ltd 2016 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/mvNCProfile", line 121, in <module> profile_net(, args.inputnode, args.outputnode, args.nshaves, args.inputsize, args.weights, args.device_no) File "/usr/local/bin/mvNCProfile", line 101, in profile_net net = parse_caffe(args, myriad_config, file_gen=True) File "/usr/local/bin/ncsdk/Controllers/", line 382, in parse_caffe input_bottom = net.bottom_names[inputNodeName][0] KeyError: 'data' Makefile:87: recipe for target 'profile' failed make: *** [profile] Error 1


Further tests highlighted an issue with the -in parameter, i.e. by removing "-in data" the profiler works as expected.


We tried several layer names as -in values but none of them worked with the exception of conv0, whereas the counterpart -on parameter works fine.




For instance, using "-in conv1", it returns the following error:






making profile mvNCProfile -w MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel -on detection_out -in conv1 -s 12 -is 300 300 MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt; \ mvNCProfile v02.00, Copyright @ Movidius Ltd 2016 [Error 17] Toolkit Error: Internal Error: Could not build graph. Missing link: data


Is there any error in the usage reported above?

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2 Replies

@GLovera Thank you for reporting this issue. We were able to reproduce the issue with the -in option you were facing and we are investigating to find the cause of this bug.

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@GLovera It seems like the -in option will not work for SSD MobileNet due to the data layer being an input to multiple convolution layers (conv11_mbox_priorbox, conv13_mbox_priorbox, conv14_2_mbox_priorbox, conv15_2_mbox_priorbox, conv16_2_mbox_priorbox, conv17_2_mbox_priorbox).


If choosing another layer as the entry point to the network, it will avoid the data layer and thus cause this error.

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