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Intel's Op-Ed in Support of Privacy Legislation

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brianhuseman-thumb-150x208-thumb-150x208-thumb-150x208Today, The Hill's Congress Blog published an op-ed written by David Hoffman, Intel's Director of Security Policy and Global Privacy Officer.  In the op-ed, David argues that putting in place a legal and regulatory system that provides for strong privacy protections is key to consumer adoption of technology and thus to the growth of our business.  The op-ed also discusses the recent introduction of "The Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2011" by Senators Kerry and McCain.

As David's op-ed states, "We believe that now is the time for federal privacy legislation. Senators Kerry and McCain’s bill has drawn from excellent work that was done in the last Congress and is in line with the administration’s proposals. Intel supports the Kerry-McCain bill and encourages all stakeholders to engage in robust and productive discussion about the bill. Providing a baseline set of protections to ensure consumer trust is the only way that the Internet and ecommerce will continue to grow and help drive innovation in the economy."

We look forward to continuing the discussion on this important issue.