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Intel Staffing is going social!

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Has it ever crossed your mind that Intel is just a large organization and possibly even “snobby”? No? Come on - admit it . There is nothing further from the truth and now we can prove it! Not only are the people sitting behind this large organization extremely nice, they are now also available to socialize with you!

As you have probably noticed (and it’s difficult not to), social networks have become extremely popular and part of our daily lives over the past few years. There are endless possibilities on these networks – reconnecting with old friends, getting to know new friends, socializing, sharing photos and information and even finding jobs. There are many social networks, all with endless and distinct possibilities. And now you can find us on some of them!

Intel Europe and the area (including Israel) opened a cool fan page on Facebook specifically for students/interns. According to Facebook’s “Press Room”, it has more than 200 million active users, more than 100 million users that login daily and more than 850 million uploaded videos and photos! Yes, many people today are apparently social media addicts. Who hasn’t been hit by excitement when a notification arrives, informing you that you have just been ‘tagged’?


So what’s our Fan page all about? Firstly, its name is “Intel-Students’ Spot” (nice to meet you) and as we said, it’s open to all, especially students/interns – and you don’t need to be an Intel employee to join! The page is updated regularly with cool content – photos of Intel events, videos, and information on available job opportunities in Europe and Israel, discussion areas and more. Less than two weeks after its airing, the page had close to 800 fans who have given us some great feedback. For example, Erez Freud, a fellow Jobs @intel blogger said “Not only is this interesting to me as a student who is working at Intel and already a true “fan”, but the page has content that would attract any of my friends whether they are simply interested in being updated on what is happening or if they are interested in working for Intel at any time”.

We invite you to join “Intel –Students’ Spot” (You'll have to login to your Facebook profile and "Become a Fan" to get updates!) and tell us what you would like to see there – we’re looking forward to hearing from you. And don’t forget to tell your friends!

Maayan and Erez
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