Intel® FPGA University Program
University Program Material, Education Boards, and Laboratory Exercises

DE4 PCI Express Tutorial

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


I am a beginner in development. For my project I want to be able to use the DE4 on my PC as a high speed ADC/DAC card. 


To communicate with the card I want to use PCI Express. To start with, I am using the University Program Tutorial. 


As far as the FPGA side, I followed the October 2012 version of the document. It is completed and using lspci command, the card is detected after the reset. 


For the driver, the first make, the errors were about the ioctl in alt_up_pci_driver.h so in line 92, I have changed .ioctl to .unlocked_ioctl 


It then compiles ok. 


The demo program compiles ok but when I run it, it goes into similar to BSOD in windows. 


Any pointers? 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

ok. Downloaded the latest version. It now works ok. 


But the sh file to load the driver has some errors so I replaced it with the one from the previos version.
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