Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16616 Discussions

Completely Lost, Anyone Have Any Ideas?

Honored Contributor II

Hello, I am sorry if this is in the wrong section. I am also very sorry if this is beating a dead horse.  

I recently purchased a de0-nano-soc **couple days ago**. I have since been trying to figure how to to even USE it. I followed the startup guide... installed all SDK (i think??), I mean, I must of downloaded like 40gb work of files...  

i did not get a license yet tho, is this needed to even work? it wont let me register a license...let me say, i have prior experience in running and compiling opencl for the gpu... 

I am completely lost when it comes to programming a simple Hello World. I have downloaded every single SDK, followed all the tutorials, installed everything... and yet, I cant seem even compile the "hello world" example.I downloaded 2010 Express C++, and it would not even open up. I then just remade the project and imported everything, okay that works... i get this error now


1>c:\users\home\desktop\fpga_opencl_hello_world\fpga_opencl_hello_world\main.cpp(161): error C2664: 'clCreateContext' : cannot convert parameter 4 from 'void (__cdecl *)(const char *,const void *,size_t,void *)' to 'void (__stdcall *)(const char *,const void *,size_t,void *)'1> This conversion requires a reinterpret_cast, a C-style cast or function-style cast 


,p>okay...[\b] -- hours researching how to solve these issues, i just decided to do this: (in cl.h): 


,p>/* context apis */extern cl_api_entry cl_context cl_api_callclcreatecontext(const cl_context_properties * /* properties */, cl_uint /* num_devices */, const cl_device_id * /* devices */, void (cl_callback * /* pfn_notify */)(const char *, const void *, size_t, void *), //void * , void * /* user_data */, // ** added this ** cl_int * /* errcode_ret */) cl_api_suffix__version_1_0;great, now i get this:1>opencl.obj : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol _clgetplatformids@12 referenced in function "struct _cl_platform_id * __cdecl aocl_utils::findplatform(char const *)" (?findplatform@aocl_utils@@yapau_cl_platform_id@@pbd@z) 


im assuming i am missing some library. But WHO Knows???[/B]. 


any bones you can throw at me i would appreciate it... 


Worse comes to worse I will just install Linux as I found a nice tutorial to install everything.... Sorry for bad English. 




edit:4/8/2016 -- I have solved the problem with adding the following:<br> 

#pragma comment( lib, "OpenCL" ) 


And by building it in x64 using 2012 express (YOU CANT USE 2010) 


However I now get this error when I run the hello world example... 

ERROR: Unable to find Altera OpenCL platform.
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi LostCharacter,  


Welcome to the wonderful world of FPGAs! Take a chill pill and relax, cuz it's a bumpy road all the way. 


So, from this website ( we can see that your board can run OpenCL. From the same website, we see that the requirements for running OpenCL on that board are: 


--- Quote Start ---  

This is what I had on my system. 


Quartus 15.0 

SoC EDS 15.0 

Altera OpenCL SDK 15.0 

Centos 6.6 



--- Quote End ---  



So to answer one of your questions, yes, you do need a license for quartus and the altera opencl sdk to run it. From the last error you are getting, it is clear that the Altera OpenCL SDK is not installed (or you have no license). I do not know if a license is included with this kit, or if there is a free license for the CycloneV chip included on your board. Maybe someone else can give some input on this.  


Take a look at this altera manual: 


Also, first step should be to get that Mandelbrot demo working (after you get your licenses).  


Good luck!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi LostCharacter,  


Welcome to the wonderful world of FPGAs! Take a chill pill and relax, cuz it's a bumpy road all the way. 


So, from this website ( we can see that your board can run OpenCL. From the same website, we see that the requirements for running OpenCL on that board are: 



So to answer one of your questions, yes, you do need a license for quartus and the altera opencl sdk to run it. From the last error you are getting, it is clear that the Altera OpenCL SDK is not installed (or you have no license). I do not know if a license is included with this kit, or if there is a free license for the CycloneV chip included on your board. Maybe someone else can give some input on this.  


Take a look at this altera manual: 


Also, first step should be to get that Mandelbrot demo working (after you get your licenses).  


Good luck! 

--- Quote End ---  





I am trying to follow this: 


Which is the STEP BY STEP guide... However on STEP 6, my page is BLANK. I dont see any devices... 


Ugh, there has to be an easier way to get this going. 


If you could steer me into the right direction, I would appreciate it. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Did you install the devices? If I remember correctly Quartus comes without them and you have to install seperately.

Honored Contributor II



Thank you for the reply. How do I install these devices?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You can download them from the download section on the Altera website. Read the documentation on this first. It could be you will have to uninstall Quartus first, I'm not sure.

Honored Contributor II

Okay! Thanks! 


I already did all this (uninstalled and reinstalled) all the devices that I can install from the 15.1 version of Quartus Prime 15.1 Standard Edition 


I guess I am just confused how installing devices on computer will allow to update with devices.
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