Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16616 Discussions

Failure to infer array of memories and busses

Honored Contributor II

In a larger project I have a triple-buffer with each buffer made up of 16 individually addressable tiles/slices (word interleaved). 

Specifically that means 48 true dual-port 4kx20bit memories with individual address and data busses. 

I organized all these busses as arrays and thought to do the same with the memories themselves, but went with a generate loop instead. 


The included code is for test purposes only - to get Quartus to synthesize the memory structure. 

Altera Quartus fails when it runs out of memory after trying for a very long time. 

Xilinx Vivado synthesizes it in less than a minute. 


Any ideas to get Quartus to synthesize? 


library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity fec is port( clk: in std_logic; data_in: in std_logic_vector(159 downto 0); data_out: out std_logic_vector(159 downto 0) ); end entity fec; architecture rtl of fec is type FRAME_SLICE_t is array(0 to (2**12)-1) of std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); type SLICE_ADDR_t is array(0 to 3*4*4-1) of integer range 0 to (2**12)-1; signal slice_addr_a, slice_addr_b: SLICE_ADDR_t; signal slice_we_a, slice_we_b: std_logic_vector(0 to 3*4*4-1); type SLICE_DATA_t is array(0 to 3*4*4-1) of std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); signal slice_data_in_a, slice_data_in_b, slice_data_out_a, slice_data_out_b: SLICE_DATA_t; signal fill_buffer_sel: integer range 0 to 2 := 0; signal read_buffer_sel: integer range 0 to 2 := 2; signal fill_addr_a: integer range 0 to (2**16)-1 := 0; signal fill_addr_b: integer range 0 to (2**16)-1 := 256; signal read_addr_a: integer range 0 to (2**16)-1 := 0; signal read_addr_b: integer range 0 to (2**16)-1 := 256; begin slices: for s in 0 to 3*4*4-1 generate signal slice: FRAME_SLICE_t; begin process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if slice_we_a(s) = '1' then slice(slice_addr_a(s)) <= slice_data_in_a(s); end if; slice_data_out_a(s) <= slice(slice_addr_a(s)); end if; end process; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if slice_we_b(s) = '1' then slice(slice_addr_b(s)) <= slice_data_in_b(s); end if; slice_data_out_b(s) <= slice(slice_addr_b(s)); end if; end process; end generate; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if fill_addr_a = (2**16)-1-7*64 then fill_addr_a <= (fill_addr_a + (1 + 7*64)) mod (2**16); fill_addr_b <= 256; read_addr_a <= 0; read_addr_b <= 256; fill_buffer_sel <= (fill_buffer_sel + 1) mod 3; read_buffer_sel <= (read_buffer_sel + 1) mod 3; else if fill_addr_a mod 64 = 63 then fill_addr_a <= (fill_addr_a + (1 + 7*64)) mod (2**16); else fill_addr_a <= (fill_addr_a + 1) mod (2**16); end if; if fill_addr_b mod 64 = 63 then fill_addr_b <= (fill_addr_b + (1 + 7*64)) mod (2**16); else fill_addr_b <= (fill_addr_b + 1) mod (2**16); end if; if read_addr_a mod 64 = 63 then read_addr_a <= (read_addr_a + (1 + 7*64)) mod (2**16); else read_addr_a <= (read_addr_a + 1) mod (2**16); end if; if read_addr_b mod 64 = 63 then read_addr_b <= (read_addr_b + (1 + 7*64)) mod (2**16); else read_addr_b <= (read_addr_b + 1) mod (2**16); end if; end if; end if; end process; process(fill_buffer_sel, read_buffer_sel, data_in, fill_addr_a, read_addr_a, slice_data_out_a, fill_addr_b, read_addr_b, slice_data_out_b) begin for buf in 0 to 2 loop for row in 0 to 3 loop for col in 0 to 3 loop slice_addr_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= 0; if buf = fill_buffer_sel and col = fill_addr_a mod 4 then slice_we_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= '1'; slice_addr_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= fill_addr_a/256*16 + ((fill_addr_a/4) mod 16); slice_data_in_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= data_in(159-row*20 downto 140-row*20); else slice_we_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= '0'; slice_data_in_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= (others => '0'); end if; if buf = read_buffer_sel and col = read_addr_a mod 4 then slice_we_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= '0'; slice_addr_a(buf*16+row*4+col) <= read_addr_a/256*16 + ((read_addr_a/4) mod 16); end if; slice_addr_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= 0; if buf = fill_buffer_sel and col = fill_addr_b mod 4 then slice_we_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= '1'; slice_addr_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= fill_addr_b/256*16 + ((fill_addr_b/4) mod 16); slice_data_in_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= data_in(79-row*20 downto 60-row*20); else slice_we_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= '0'; slice_data_in_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= (others => '0'); end if; if buf = read_buffer_sel and col = read_addr_b mod 4 then slice_we_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= '0'; slice_addr_b(buf*16+row*4+col) <= read_addr_b/256*16 + ((read_addr_b/4) mod 16); end if; end loop; end loop; end loop; for row in 0 to 3 loop data_out(159-row*20 downto 140-row*20) <= slice_data_out_a(read_buffer_sel*16+row*4+(read_addr_a mod 4)); data_out(79-row*20 downto 60-row*20) <= slice_data_out_b(read_buffer_sel*16+row*4+(read_addr_b mod 4)); end loop; end process; end rtl;
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

This looks similar to an issue I raised with altera about 5yrs ago. The problem was inferring rams in a generate statement (ie it wont work). It's taking a long time because its generating the rams out of registers. 


Work around is to make a single ram entity and instantiate it in the generate loop. 


Please raise a ticket with altera to get this sorted.
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