Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Help!!!: final class project

Honored Contributor II

Help, I need someone to explain this in "quartus for dummies" terms please.  


Im doing a project for a college course and my professor wont tell me "exactly" what to do.  


He gave me a sheet with a 16:1 multiplexer circuit design and simply said  


"prove that this design works". 


I need help doing this because I honestly dont even know where to start, well I know how to pull up the 16:1 design but where do I go from there in proving it works on an Altera board? 


thanks in advance.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You didn't tell, which board you have available for test. For a hardware test without additional equipment, it should have switches to use as stimulus and LEDs to check the response. 

Alternatively, you could check the design with the Quartus simulator. I expect, the said component or module could be used as top level design file directly without designing an additional testbench. If so, you only need to stimulate the inputs and check the outputs for correct results.
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Honored Contributor II

You must start from design software- Max or Quartus- what is available for You. This task is not serious problem and You can do it in schematic, if HDL way is difficult for You. Regards!

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Honored Contributor II

Alas, the purpose of College is for you to learn how to solve problems. 


Of course your instructor will not tell you "exactly" what to do. 

This is what you are going to college for, to learn how to solve a problem, not just do what others tell you to do. 


If this is your final class problem, I would think that unless your instructor is cruel, there has been discussion all semester long on using various methods for creating, then testing these sorts of things. 


Think about what you are being asked to do, show that a "circuit under test" performs as expected. You can either us the simulator in the Quartus tools if you get how to do that, or you can "wrap" something around the circuit to stilulate it, and display the output. 


Many things some to mind, some sort of pulsing inputs on the 16 differnet inputs, and some sort of way to select each to go to the output. THen a way to display both the input and output on some LED's perhaps.?? 


Have at it and let us all know how it goes.
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