Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Quartus 9.1 Discussion

Honored Contributor II

I have tried to install Quartus 9.1 on my GNU/Linux operating system. I get an error when I try to open Quartus. The error I have listed below. Once this error occurs, Quartus closes down. Quartus 9.0 is currently working on my system. Here is what I have tried to solve my problem: 


1. source adm/qenv.csh 

2. Change QUARTUS_ROOTDIR to the correct path.  

3. Installed the service pack for Quartus 9.1 


Anyone have any ideas for solving this installation or environment problem? 






Internal Error: Sub-system: ATCL, File: /quartus/ccl/atcl/atcl_root.cpp, Line: 497 

Unable to load Tk library 

Stack Trace: 

0x4ffd064: err_report_internal_error(char const*, char const*, char const*, int) + 0x3a (quartus) 

0x4f4f853: atcl_init_tk_window(Tcl_Interp*, char const*) + 0x11f (quartus) 

0x9b764a: CONW_WND::OnCreate(tagCREATESTRUCTA*) + 0x1cc (quartus) 

0xcb7ce: CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int, unsigned int, long, long*) + 0x47e (mfc400s) 

0x12cb9fd: AFC_CONTROL_BAR::OnWndMsg(unsigned int, unsigned int, long, long*) + 0x41 (quartus) 

0xcafa9: CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x39 (mfc400s) 

0xdd0a4: CControlBar::WindowProc(unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x54 (mfc400s) 

0xcf873: AfxCallWndProc(CWnd*, HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0xc3 (mfc400s) 

0xd0313: AfxWndProc(HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x53 (mfc400s) 

0xc80eb: AfxWndProcBase(HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x5b (mfc400s) 

0x1af04e: MwProtectedCallWndProc + 0x11e (gdiuser32) 

0x185cd5: MwCallCallWndProc + 0x65 (gdiuser32) 

0x192bb5: MwInternalSendMessage + 0x45 (gdiuser32) 

0x198ebe: xxxSendMessageTimeout + 0x27e (gdiuser32) 

0x199023: MwISendMessageTimeout + 0xc3 (gdiuser32) 

0x19915c: SendMessageTimeoutA + 0x6c (gdiuser32) 

0x1991c4: SendMessageA + 0x44 (gdiuser32) 

0x1dcfce: MwICreateWindowExEx + 0xb7e (gdiuser32) 

0x1de69f: CreateWindowExA + 0x9f (gdiuser32) 

0xcedf0: CWnd::CreateEx(unsigned long, char const*, char const*, unsigned long, int, int, int, int, HWND__*, HMENU__*, void*) + 0xf0 (mfc400s) 

0xceeb2: CWnd::Create(char const*, char const*, unsigned long, tagRECT const&, CWnd*, unsigned int, CCreateContext*) + 0x82 (mfc400s) 

0x1d3c09: SECControlBar::Create(char const*, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, tagRECT const&, CWnd*, CCreateContext*) + 0x69 (ot1100as) 

0x1d3d50: SECControlBar::Create(CWnd*, char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned int, CCreateContext*) + 0x70 (ot1100as) 

0x12cba98: AFC_CONTROL_BAR::create(CWnd*, char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned int, CCreateContext*, CSize const&, CSize const&, CSize const&) + 0x48 (quartus) 

0x933238: PJM_MAIN_FRAME::init_dock_window(AFC_CONTROL_BAR*, AFC_MDI_FRAME::DOCK_WINDOW_ID, char const*, CSize const&, CSize const&, CSize const&, unsigned long, bool, bool, unsigned int, CPoint const&, int, int, int, float, bool) + 0xd2 (quartus) 

0x9327d1: PJM_MAIN_FRAME::create_dockable_windows() + 0xb2b (quartus) 

0x924424: PJM_MAIN_FRAME::OnCreate(tagCREATESTRUCTA*) + 0x304 (quartus) 

0xcb7ce: CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int, unsigned int, long, long*) + 0x47e (mfc400s) 

0x940a39: PJM_MAIN_FRAME::OnWndMsg(unsigned int, unsigned int, long, long*) + 0x85 (quartus) 

0xcafa9: CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x39 (mfc400s) 

0x27aab4: SECMDIFrameWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x64 (ot1100as) 

0xcf873: AfxCallWndProc(CWnd*, HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0xc3 (mfc400s) 

0xd0313: AfxWndProc(HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x53 (mfc400s) 

0xc80eb: AfxWndProcBase(HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 0x5b (mfc400s) 

0x1af04e: MwProtectedCallWndProc + 0x11e (gdiuser32) 

0x185cd5: MwCallCallWndProc + 0x65 (gdiuser32) 

0x192bb5: MwInternalSendMessage + 0x45 (gdiuser32) 

0x198ebe: xxxSendMessageTimeout + 0x27e (gdiuser32) 

0x199023: MwISendMessageTimeout + 0xc3 (gdiuser32) 

0x19915c: SendMessageTimeoutA + 0x6c (gdiuser32) 

0x1991c4: SendMessageA + 0x44 (gdiuser32) 

0x1dcfce: MwICreateWindowExEx + 0xb7e (gdiuser32) 

0x1de69f: CreateWindowExA + 0x9f (gdiuser32) 

0xcedf0: CWnd::CreateEx(unsigned long, char const*, char const*, unsigned long, int, int, int, int, HWND__*, HMENU__*, void*) + 0xf0 (mfc400s) 

0xd18d4: CFrameWnd::Create(char const*, char const*, unsigned long, tagRECT const&, CWnd*, char const*, unsigned long, CCreateContext*) + 0xd4 (mfc400s) 

0x27b577: SECMDIFrameWnd::LoadFrame(unsigned int, unsigned long, CWnd*, CCreateContext*) + 0xf7 (ot1100as) 

0x12c5c37: AFC_MDI_FRAME::load_frame(unsigned int, unsigned long, CWnd*, CCreateContext*) + 0x67 (quartus) 

0x12bf443: AFC_APP::init_instance(AFC_MDI_FRAME*, unsigned int const&, CCommandLineInfo*) + 0xadd (quartus) 

0x9479e3: PJM_APP::InitInstance() + 0xa97 (quartus) 

0xdc4ff: AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__*, HINSTANCE__*, char*, int) + 0x6f (mfc400s) 

0x5011f23: WinMain + 0x53 (quartus) 

0x992a31: main + 0x9d (quartus) 

0x166e5: __libc_start_main + 0xe5 ( 

0x8ca0b1: CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout(int) + 0x145 (quartus) 




Quartus II Version 9.1 Build 304 01/25/2010 SJ Full Version 

Service Pack Installed: 1
0 Kudos
0 Replies