Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16614 Discussions

Weird FIFO compiler error

Honored Contributor II

I have an interesting error. I have a block diagram that I'm using to connect some symbols together that I've designed. 


Here's an image of part of my block diagram: 


I have a 4 bit output signal that comes from the block on the left and goes into the block on the right. I also have a 1 bit valid signal that does the same. Through trial an error I've found that if I take away that dangling wire, I get a compiler error that says: 

Error: WYSIWYG primitive "transmitinterface:inst11|fifo1to4:validbit|dcfifo_mixed_widths:dcfifo_mixed_widths_component|dcfifo_ecg1:auto_generated|altsyncram_sl61:fifo_ram|ram_block5a0" has mismatched parameters for port Port A, Data In 


Here's the code for transmitinterface 

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity transmitinterface is port ( rdclk,wrclk,reset: in std_logic; input: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); validin: in std_logic_vector (0 downto 0); validout: out std_logic; output : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ); end transmitinterface; architecture structure of transmitinterface is signal hold : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ------------------------------------- component fifo4to16 is PORT ( aclr : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0); rdclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; rdreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; component fifo1to4 is PORT ( aclr : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); rdclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; rdreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; ------------------------------------- begin inputbits: fifo4to16 port map(reset,input,rdclk,'1',wrclk,'1',output); validbit: fifo1to4 port map(reset,validin,rdclk,'1',wrclk,'1',hold); validout <= hold(3) OR hold(2) OR hold(1) OR hold(0); end structure;  


You can see that I use a fifo that I made, fifo1to4, the one displayed in the compiler error. Everything looks right to me though. 


Here's the code for fifo1to4: 

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; LIBRARY altera_mf; USE altera_mf.all; ENTITY fifo1to4 IS PORT ( aclr : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); rdclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; rdreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0) ); END fifo1to4; ARCHITECTURE SYN OF fifo1to4 IS SIGNAL sub_wire0 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0); COMPONENT dcfifo_mixed_widths GENERIC ( intended_device_family : STRING; lpm_numwords : NATURAL; lpm_showahead : STRING; lpm_type : STRING; lpm_width : NATURAL; lpm_widthu : NATURAL; lpm_widthu_r : NATURAL; lpm_width_r : NATURAL; overflow_checking : STRING; rdsync_delaypipe : NATURAL; underflow_checking : STRING; use_eab : STRING; write_aclr_synch : STRING; wrsync_delaypipe : NATURAL ); PORT ( wrclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; rdreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; aclr : IN STD_LOGIC ; rdclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0); wrreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; BEGIN q <= sub_wire0(3 DOWNTO 0); dcfifo_mixed_widths_component : dcfifo_mixed_widths GENERIC MAP ( intended_device_family => "Cyclone II", lpm_numwords => 256, lpm_showahead => "OFF", lpm_type => "dcfifo", lpm_width => 1, lpm_widthu => 8, lpm_widthu_r => 6, lpm_width_r => 4, overflow_checking => "ON", rdsync_delaypipe => 4, underflow_checking => "ON", use_eab => "ON", write_aclr_synch => "OFF", wrsync_delaypipe => 4 ) PORT MAP ( wrclk => wrclk, rdreq => rdreq, aclr => aclr, rdclk => rdclk, wrreq => wrreq, data => data, q => sub_wire0 ); END SYN;  


When I click on the compiler error it takes me to this code though: 

FUNCTION cycloneii_ram_block (clk0, clk1, clr0, clr1, ena0, ena1, portaaddr, portaaddrstall, portabyteenamasks, portadatain, portawe, portbaddr, portbaddrstall, portbbyteenamasks, portbdatain, portbrewe) WITH ( CONNECTIVITY_CHECKING, DATA_INTERLEAVE_OFFSET_IN_BITS, DATA_INTERLEAVE_WIDTH_IN_BITS, DONT_POWER_OPTIMIZE, INIT_FILE, INIT_FILE_LAYOUT, init_file_restructured, LOGICAL_RAM_NAME, mem_init0, mem_init1, MIXED_PORT_FEED_THROUGH_MODE, OPERATION_MODE, PORT_A_ADDRESS_WIDTH = 1, PORT_A_BYTE_ENABLE_MASK_WIDTH = 1, PORT_A_BYTE_SIZE, PORT_A_DATA_OUT_CLEAR, PORT_A_DATA_OUT_CLOCK, PORT_A_DATA_WIDTH = 1, PORT_A_DISABLE_CE_ON_INPUT_REGISTERS, PORT_A_DISABLE_CE_ON_OUTPUT_REGISTERS, PORT_A_FIRST_ADDRESS, PORT_A_FIRST_BIT_NUMBER, PORT_A_LAST_ADDRESS, PORT_A_LOGICAL_RAM_DEPTH, PORT_A_LOGICAL_RAM_WIDTH, PORT_B_ADDRESS_CLOCK, PORT_B_ADDRESS_WIDTH = 1, PORT_B_BYTE_ENABLE_CLOCK, PORT_B_BYTE_ENABLE_MASK_WIDTH = 1, PORT_B_BYTE_SIZE, PORT_B_DATA_IN_CLOCK, PORT_B_DATA_OUT_CLEAR, PORT_B_DATA_OUT_CLOCK, PORT_B_DATA_WIDTH = 1, PORT_B_DISABLE_CE_ON_INPUT_REGISTERS, PORT_B_DISABLE_CE_ON_OUTPUT_REGISTERS, PORT_B_FIRST_ADDRESS, PORT_B_FIRST_BIT_NUMBER, PORT_B_LAST_ADDRESS, PORT_B_LOGICAL_RAM_DEPTH, PORT_B_LOGICAL_RAM_WIDTH, PORT_B_READ_ENABLE_WRITE_ENABLE_CLOCK, POWER_UP_UNINITIALIZED, RAM_BLOCK_TYPE, SAFE_WRITE) RETURNS ( portadataout, portbdataout); --synthesis_resources = M4K 1 OPTIONS ALTERA_INTERNAL_OPTION = "suppress_da_rule_internal=r105;OPTIMIZE_POWER_DURING_SYNTHESIS=NORMAL_COMPILATION"; SUBDESIGN altsyncram_sl61 ( aclr1 : input; address_a : input; address_b : input; addressstall_b : input; clock0 : input; clock1 : input; clocken1 : input; data_a : input; q_b : output; wren_a : input; ) VARIABLE ram_block5a0 : cycloneii_ram_block WITH ( CONNECTIVITY_CHECKING = "OFF", DATA_INTERLEAVE_OFFSET_IN_BITS = 1, DATA_INTERLEAVE_WIDTH_IN_BITS = 1, LOGICAL_RAM_NAME = "ALTSYNCRAM", MIXED_PORT_FEED_THROUGH_MODE = "dont_care", OPERATION_MODE = "dual_port", PORT_A_ADDRESS_WIDTH = 8, PORT_A_DATA_WIDTH = 1, PORT_A_DISABLE_CE_ON_INPUT_REGISTERS = "off", PORT_A_FIRST_ADDRESS = 0, PORT_A_FIRST_BIT_NUMBER = 0, PORT_A_LAST_ADDRESS = 255, PORT_A_LOGICAL_RAM_DEPTH = 256, PORT_A_LOGICAL_RAM_WIDTH = 1, PORT_B_ADDRESS_CLOCK = "clock1", PORT_B_ADDRESS_WIDTH = 6, PORT_B_DATA_OUT_CLEAR = "clear1", PORT_B_DATA_OUT_CLOCK = "clock1", PORT_B_DATA_WIDTH = 4, PORT_B_DISABLE_CE_ON_INPUT_REGISTERS = "on", PORT_B_DISABLE_CE_ON_OUTPUT_REGISTERS = "off", PORT_B_FIRST_ADDRESS = 0, PORT_B_FIRST_BIT_NUMBER = 0, PORT_B_LAST_ADDRESS = 63, PORT_B_LOGICAL_RAM_DEPTH = 64, PORT_B_LOGICAL_RAM_WIDTH = 4, PORT_B_READ_ENABLE_WRITE_ENABLE_CLOCK = "clock1", RAM_BLOCK_TYPE = "AUTO" ); address_a_wire : WIRE; address_b_wire : WIRE; BEGIN ram_block5a.clk0 = clock0; ram_block5a.clk1 = clock1; ram_block5a.clr1 = aclr1; ram_block5a.ena0 = wren_a; ram_block5a.ena1 = clocken1; ram_block5a.portaaddr = ( address_a_wire); ram_block5a.portadatain = ( data_a); ram_block5a.portawe = wren_a; ram_block5a.portbaddr = ( address_b_wire); ram_block5a.portbaddrstall = addressstall_b; ram_block5a.portbrewe = B"1"; address_a_wire = address_a; address_b_wire = address_b; q_b = ( ram_block5a.portbdataout); END; --VALID FILE  


Please help.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I think it has something to do with the connection between validout and validin[0..0]. Am I doing that right?

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