Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16614 Discussions

"is not declared under this prefix"


Hello all,


I'm getting the following errors during Analysis and Synthesis and I can't find much about them using Google.

Error (10733): Verilog HDL error at color is not declared under this prefix Error (10733): Verilog HDL error at y is not declared under this prefix

If it's relevant, the file that is being referred to is part of a generated component under Platform Designer.

Here is the source file

module spi_shapes_to_video ( input wire spi_clk_clk, // spi_clk.clk input wire video_clk_clk, // video_clk.clk input wire spi_rst_reset, // spi_rst.reset input wire video_rst_reset, // video_rst.reset input wire [7:0] spi_sink_data, // input wire spi_sink_valid, // .valid input wire video_source_ready, // .ready output logic spi_sink_ready, // .ready output logic [15:0] video_source_data, // output logic video_source_startofpacket, // .startofpacket output logic video_source_endofpacket, // .endofpacket output logic video_source_valid // .valid );   localparam NUM_LINES_WIDTH = 10; localparam NUM_LINES = 1 << NUM_LINES_WIDTH; localparam SCREEN_WIDTH = 640; localparam SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480; localparam COLOR_BG = 16'b0;   typedef enum { STATE_PRE_INPUT, STATE_INPUT, STATE_PRE_OUTPUT, STATE_OUTPUT } state_t;   typedef struct packed { logic [3:0] alpha; logic [3:0] r; logic [3:0] g; logic [3:0] b; } color_t;   typedef struct packed { logic [9:0] x; logic [8:0] y; } point_t;   typedef struct packed { logic [1:0] align_bits; point_t start_point; point_t end_point; color_t color; } line_t;   function line_has_point ( input point_t point, input line_t line );   line_has_point = (point.y - line.start_point.y) * (line.end_point.x - line.start_point.x) == (point.x - line.start_point.x) * (line.end_point.y - line.start_point.y); endfunction   function color_t get_color( input point_t point ); integer i; color_t out; begin out = COLOR_BG; for (i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i++) begin if (line_has_point(point, lines[i])) out = lines[i].color; end get_color = out; end endfunction   function state_t get_next_state( input state_t state ); case(state) STATE_PRE_INPUT: get_next_state = STATE_INPUT; STATE_INPUT: if (lines_index == NUM_LINES) get_next_state = STATE_PRE_OUTPUT; else get_next_state = STATE_INPUT; STATE_PRE_OUTPUT: get_next_state = STATE_OUTPUT; STATE_OUTPUT: if (current_point.y == SCREEN_HEIGHT) get_next_state = STATE_PRE_INPUT; else get_next_state = STATE_OUTPUT; default: get_next_state = STATE_PRE_INPUT; endcase endfunction   state_t state; logic [1:0] video_clk_vals; line_t [NUM_LINES-1:0] lines /* synthesis ramstyle = "M9K" */;   logic [NUM_LINES_WIDTH:0] lines_index; logic [2:0] line_byte_count;   point_t current_point;   always @(posedge spi_clk_clk) begin if (~spi_rst_reset) begin lines = 0; lines_index = 0; line_byte_count = 0; video_clk_vals = 2'b0; state = STATE_PRE_INPUT; current_point = 0;   spi_sink_ready = 1'b0; video_source_valid = 1'b0; video_source_data = 16'b0; video_source_startofpacket = 1'b0; video_source_endofpacket = 1'b0; end else begin video_clk_vals = {video_clk_vals[0], video_clk_clk}; state = get_next_state(state); case(state) STATE_PRE_INPUT: begin lines_index = 0; end STATE_INPUT: begin spi_sink_ready = 1'b1; video_source_valid = 1'b0; if (spi_sink_valid) begin lines[lines_index] = {lines[lines_index][47:0], spi_sink_data}; line_byte_count += 1; end if (line_byte_count == 7) begin lines_index += 1; line_byte_count = 0; end end STATE_PRE_OUTPUT: begin spi_sink_ready = 1'b0; current_point = 0; end STATE_OUTPUT: begin // negedge of video clock if (video_clk_vals == 2'b10) begin if (video_source_ready) begin video_source_valid = 1; video_source_data = get_color(current_point);   video_source_startofpacket = current_point == 0; video_source_endofpacket = current_point.x == SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 && current_point.y == SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1;   current_point.x += 1; if (current_point.x == SCREEN_WIDTH) begin current_point.x = 0; current_point.y += 1; end end else begin video_source_valid = 0; end end end endcase end end endmodule

 Thanks for any help with this... I have no idea what the issue is.


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4 Replies

The error code meant to fix the problem identified by the message text.

Could you share your project so I can further check on this?

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Hello, thanks for your response. I've attached the project to this message. I am using Quartus Prime Lite version 18.1.

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Okay I fixed the issue by not referencing variables outside the scope of the function. So I passed in lines as an argument to get_color and current_point as an argument to get_next_state. Still, I wonder why this is necessary. I thought that I should be able to access module variables from within a module function.

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I found out if I relocate these two lines. (see attached) It seems to pass the error.



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