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Buidling up a stable Indoor Drone with Real Sense and Pixhawk


Hey there,

first of all let me introduce myself and let me explain what I am up to. My Name is Günter Budde from Germany and I am a Student from the RWTH-University in Aachen. At the Moment I am doing some research for using Drones as a carriage for sensor Technology (mostly based on ROS). Because of the field application the drone has to be able to stay at the point where I want to (like a Position hold function indoors with out the help of GPS). And in more advance the drone should be able to reconize obstacles and help the user to avoid crashes by flying not against them or be able to fly by there own.

How can I implement this function with the Intel Sense Technology? Which parts I do Need?

My first Impression for a Setup could be look like this:

-As a flight Controller I like to use a Pixhawk 2.4.6.--> Here I am asking my self is there a benefit if I am using a Pixhawk 2.1 Pro Version in combination with Intel Edison? Is there even a possibility to use only the Pixhawk 2.1 Pro with Edison with the Vision Accessory Kit?

-Intel Aero Vision Accessory Kit to give the drone some eyes :-)

-For the camera usage and as a Computer System I like to use the Intel Aero Board (Is there a possibility to use ROS on the Aero board to extend the usage of sensors?)

-Are there any possibility to extend the Interfaces like Ethernet and USB?

Thanks for supporting me!

Best Regards Günter

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Here is a page with a link to a PDF guide for connecting Pixhawk to an Aero board.

These pages on using ROS with Aero may also be of use to you. Meta ROS · intel-aero/meta-intel-aero Wiki · GitHub

You may also be interested in the new super-powerful D415 and D435 RealSense cameras being released this month, which were designed with drones and autonomous vehicles in mind. Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras D400-Series | Intel® Software

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Hi MartyG thanks for responding!

So the Intel Aero board does support all PX4 FC? Also the new Pixhawk 2.1?

What´s the benefit if I am using the Pixhawk 2.1 with the Edison? Could I use the Intel Sense technology as with this system as well?

Where can I buy the D400 Series? It does look interesting!

Thank you!

Best regards

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Honored Contributor III

Intel's drone forum is the best place to post a question about Aero's compatibility with a particular controller product.

The Aero board can have an STM32 micro-controller connected to it to run PX4. Aero can support Dronecode PX4.

The new D415 and D435 cameras are not on sale yet. They will likely appear in the RealSense section of the Intel click online store. The release date is currently just "September". I would not be surprised if they go on sale September 30 when the discount sale on current RealSense cameras end, but I am checking the store daily in case they are listed earlier than that and will post on the forum as soon as there is more information. Intel® RealSense™ Developer Kits

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Hey MartyG,

just found the introduction course in github for the aero board. There is written that for using SLAM I have to use the ZR300. So the Accessories Vision Kit is not so useful for me than. Unfortunately, because I do like the housing for all the parts.

Because of that I just checked some informations about the ZR300 camera and found the Euclid as well.

-So is the Euclid camera a ZR300 with some computer in additional?

-If yes, could I use the Euclid like an stand alone system for SLAM tasks on a drone, or do I need still a small computer like the aero board?

-Do I get it right that the Euclid is ROS ready?

-Is the Euclid still available or will it be taking of the market soon?

-Is there a nicer housing for a drone setup available?

-If I am using the ZR300 do I need still the Aero Board for SLAM tasks?

What would you recommend for my tasks, and which system is more beginner friendly?

Thank you,

best regards


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Honored Contributor III

1. The Euclid has a form of the ZR300 camera, though it is a little different from the one in the ZR300 Developer Kit camera as Euclid lacks an ASIC chip that the Developer Kit camera has. This means that Euclid has to use a forked version of Librealsense to simulate the missing chip instead of using the main branch of Librealsense.

2. Euclid is primarily designed for robotics control. Whilst I wouldn't say it would be impossible to use it on a drone if you treat it like a flying robot, and power Euclid off its lithium battery, there isn't really an existing reference for doing so, and so interfacing it with a flight controller may not be straightforward.

3. Euclid comes with ROS pre-installed with support for RealSense and middleware..

4. Euclid is still available for purchase and was only released recently, and is not part of the current product retirement plans.

5. I am not aware of a drone housing option other than the one in the drone section of the Intel Click online store, though other companies can probably supply an unofficial solution or 3D-print a custom one if you shop around.

4. If you mean the ZR300 Developer Kit camera then you would still need a PC or board to connect it to. The Euclid, meanwhile, is like a mini-computer board with a camera, all integrated within a casing.

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