Programmable Devices
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Uninitialized value of a signal in vhdl

Honored Contributor II

This may be a noob vhdl question, but I have stuck at this point! Consider the following codes (a test bench which uses a detector and write entities). Since the reset signal (r) is set to 1, I expect that we signal goes to 0 but the simulation shows that the value of we is u which means uninitialized. You may try this code! 



entity test_tb is end; architecture x of test_tb is component test_detector port( clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic; count: in integer range 0 to 7; z: out integer range 0 to 7; we: out std_logic ); end component; component test_write port( a: in integer range 0 to 7; count: in integer range 0 to 7; oe: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; z: out integer range 0 to 7); end component; signal clk: std_logic := '0'; -- clock signal r: std_logic := '1'; -------------------------------------- reset is initialized to '1' signal count: integer range 0 to 7 := 2; signal z, num: integer range 0 to 7; signal we: std_logic; begin u2: test_detector port map( clk, r, count, z, we ); u3: test_write port map( z, count, we, clk, num ); process( clk ) begin clk <= not clk after 2 ns; end process; process begin r <= '1'; ---------------------------- reset is '1' wait for 4 ns; r <= '0'; wait; end process; end; 



entity test_detector is port( clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic; count: in integer range 0 to 7; z: out integer range 0 to 7; we: out std_logic ); end; architecture my1 of test_detector is begin process( rst ) begin if rst = '1' then ----------- this condition is true we <= '0'; ------- we should be 0 end if; end process; process( clk ) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then if count = 1 then z <= 7; we <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; end;  




entity test_write is port( a: in integer range 0 to 7; count: in integer range 0 to 7; oe: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; z: out integer range 0 to 7); end; architecture behav of test_write is begin process( clk ) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1' and oe = '1') then if (count < 7) then z <= a; end if; end if; end process; end; 



Can someone explain what is going on?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

First of all - I would do two things and retest: 

1. Have we assigned in only a single process - otherwise you'll get multiple driver problems 

2. remove the initial value of r. You're setting it at time 0 anyway.
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