Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Verilog simulation

Honored Contributor II

I wonder if what I've in mind is possible. 


Imagine I've a 64bit counter that rolls to 0 when the count is 64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0. The counter is described in Verilog code. 

The counter has no signal to load a particular counter value. 


I want to simulate counter behaviour and test if it resets when expected. 


I don't want to simulate 2^64 clock cycles foroabvious reasons. 


Is there a way to write a tesbench that, at a certain simulation point, 

sets a particular value in the register of the counter? 



My question is then: 

is it possible, in simulation, to set a particular state in the circuit under test? 

As example, is it possible to put a finite state machine in a not defined state, to check it's behaviour? 


Thx for your help. 


P.S. Is this the correct forum for Verilog questions? 

Do you know a more adequate one?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

you can take a look at the ModelSim force command, or right click the signal in the Objects window to look for the Force window

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Honored Contributor II

I solved the problem using Verilog. 

The command that should be used is 'force' followed by 'release'. 


Here's a snmipset of the code: 


initial begin reset=1;{read_write, ready, write_OK}=3'b000;# period; reset=0;{read_write, ready, write_OK}=3'b000;# (2*period); {read_write, ready, write_OK}=3'b010;# period; {read_write, ready, write_OK}=3'b001;# period; // ac_state is the name of the internal node force UUT.ac_state = 5'b00000;# period; release UUT.ac_state;# (3*period) $stop; end endmodule
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Honored Contributor II

thanks for the tip

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