Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16614 Discussions

Quartus prime - what is the definition for unused pin?

Honored Contributor II

There is a default configuration for unused pin in the quartus.  

If I does not define the pin in the pin planner - will it get the default configuration ?  

or is it only default only for pins that appear on the pin planner but not used in the project ? 

Thank you.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

There are different defualts. Unused pins have a default behavior(such as tri-stated with weak pull-up). This is more of a behavior, whereby if you have an output pin in your design but don't make any IO standard assignments, it will still behave like an output pin, and the defaults affect the what IO standard it is. 

For pins in the actual design, it is good practice not to rely on defaults at all and assign the standard to all of them.
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