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3335 Discussions

Does the D435 offers multiple camera HW sync of depth AND color frames?


I connected three D435 cameras with one acting as a master and the other two as slaves. With an oscilloscope I can verify the master signal triggering the slaves cameras. However in realsense-viewer and on rs-sensor-control example looks like I can only enable depth frames to be synced but not the color frames. Is this the expected behavior/limitation?

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

Yes, that is correct. The D435 only has hardware sync for depth, whereas the D415 has sync for both depth and color. The reason for this is that on the D415, the RGB sensor is integrated onto the camera circuit board, whereas in the D435 design it is attached separately. So the D435 cannot color sync because the RGB sensor is not on the same PCB circuit board as the depth.


The reason for this difference in hardware is that in the range of RealSense 400 Series camera module boards (D400, 410, 415, 420, 430), only the D415 circuit board has an integrated RGB, and for all the other boards the RGB sensor has to be attached separately via a cable to a 50 pin connector on the Vision Processor D4 circuit board that is paired with the camera module.

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