Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Am I properly reinstalling HD3000 graphics drivers?


I'm stuck. I have a Windows 7 Pro machine that boots to a black screen with a cursor instead of the login prompt, though if I tap some keys like enter and tab I'll get some blue squares where probably windows are appearing.

I can boot to safe mode and log in. I can then disable or uninstall the video adapter and boot into the normal Windows. But if I install the Intel drivers for the HD3000 integrated video, the black screen will be there waiting for me when I reboot.

I've tried with and without external monitors connected.

I've tried uninstalling the drivers from the programs and features menu (also selecting to completely remove the drivers), and I've uninstalled them through the device manager. I then reboot before installing the Intel drivers again. I've tried the version on Panasonic's website as well as the latest version from Intel's website. Results have been the same every time.

Are there registry keys left behind somewhere that I could try deleting? Perhaps some more thorough method of removal? Something more creative? All ideas welcome!

System specs:

Panasonic Toughbook CF53 (A)

Windows 7 Pro 32 bit

Intel 2520M CPU w/ HD 3000 integrated video


This system has just been restored to a standard corporate image, so it's unfortunately as close to factory as it is going to get. System restore won't be an option since it has never been in a working state. Startup repair hasn't been an option due to the corporate full disk encryption that seems to make the disk unreadable at that point. I've tried but it fails and I can't find any drivers to use in the recovery environment for this BeCrypt Disk Encryption.

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3 Replies

Hello brian.-bb:



For this kind of problem, what we recommend is to install the graphics driver provided by the manufacturer of the laptop, not sure if that was the driver you tried, but here is the link to install it:



Now, it seems to be that the laptop has switchable graphics, that means you can either use the Intel® graphics or the graphics provided by the video card.



In order to choose which one to use, you should be able to have an option on the BIOS to enable or disable either one of the graphics controllers.



On the following link you will fine further information about how the switchable graphics worked:



If you need further details about this mater, the best thing to do will be to check with Panasonic directly:



Panasonic's phone number: 1 800-211-7262



Panasonic's support site:



Now, since the laptop works with Intel® HD Graphics 3000, on the following link you will find the latest graphics driver for that controller, version 4229:



If the problem persists after trying those drivers, then the best thing to do will be to get in contact with Panasonic directly for further support or warranty assistance.



Any questions, please let me know.





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I've tried the version Panasonic supplies on their website and it hasn't helped. I've also used the one you linked to with the same results.

There is no switchable video on this version of the laptop, just HD3000.

I've reached out to Panasonic and I'm waiting to hear back.

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Hello brian.-bb:



Thank you very much for providing that information.



Perfect, that is the best thing to do, to get in contact with Panasonic directly, for further support, I hope they get in contact with you soon and the problem gets fixed.



Any questions, please let me know.





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