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Daisy Chain


Hey there,

Need some help with my setup because I am very frustrated 😞


Processor - Intel® Core™ i5-4310M CPU @ 2.70GHz
Graphics - Intel® HD Graphics 4600
Connections - DP, HDMI

Monitors - Fujitsu P24-8 WS Pro

The problem I am facing is the following. If I connect my laptop via HDMI to one monitor and DP to the other only one of them works.

If I connect the monitors via DP only - Laptop to monitor 1 and monitor 1 to monitor 2, in that case, the monitors get mirrored. 

Now the monitors have a function - DAISY CHAIN which I suppose I should turn on. When I turn it on the laptop does recognize them as 2 separate monitors and it does have even a separate menu where it says I can connect up to 3 monitors, HOWEVER, the monitors show NO SIGNAL. 

I have been browsing the internet all day for 2 days I have no idea why this is happening. The first issue I suppose the video card can not separate the signal into 2 places DP and HDMI. But the second is just crazy because the monitors work if I don't put the Daisy chain but they are mirrored and when I put it on they go off but the laptop does recognise them then. 

Please help if you can explain what can be done or if I need something else for this setup

Files attached to see what it shows me

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6 Replies

I forgot to mention I have the latest drivers running. I am using the Intel drivers assistant, I have also went to the device manager to check the drivers for the monitors and it says they are the latest and functioning perfectly.

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Super User
First of all, I don't see why using the separate DP and HDMI monitors is not working; it should.
Second, when using only the DP port, that DAISY CHAIN function is only enabled in the first monitor, right? I can see the possibility of issues if it is enabled in the second monitor.
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Hey there, 
So I got a response from Fujitsu and apparently to use 2 monitors not mirrored you need a docking station. Idk why you make a laptop with 3 different inputs which you can use only 1 at a time 😅


Regarding the Daisy chain yes it’s only enabled on the first monitor. I have tried turning it on, on the second and the monitor starts to just go on and off and have that old tv vibe or when you have a faulty cable. 
I wanted to ask does the cable make any difference because it makes no sense for the monitor not to turn on because the laptop does recognise them as 1-2-3 but the monitor says no signal. I just don’t understand is it there a driver or whatever that could help. That’s why I texted here to see what we can do about it and if someone knows. I’ve read the whole web I have no idea what the issue could be 😥


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Super User

DP cables can make a definite difference. The problem is that HBR and HBR2 cables are often labelled the exact same way (i.e., standard DisplayPort cable) and you likely need a HBR2 cable for at least the first segment. This is discussed in the Wikipedia article at

Another option you could try (grasping at straws) is using a Multi-Stream Transport (MST) Hub. Here's an example: I don't honestly know if this will make a difference.

Hope this helps,



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Hey Mate,

Thank you again I understand now more. 60 bucks is not that expensive actually I was looking at the docks and they were 200 300 and that's like a new monitor. Just to confirm this is for expanding the monitors not mirroring?

I will close this after your reply and also try to get a cable with HBR2 it might fix it ! 

Thanks again so much for your cooperation 

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Cables are very important that they are bi-directional and I think only 4K-8K DP cables are adequate, 1080p DP cables do not work. Did the upgraded cable help?

Did you reboot several 2-3 times each time you changed the monitor settings to have windows find the right drivers?

Your processor supports 3 displays, and technically if the DP cable going into the 1st monitor is bidirectional and the 2nd monitor has the "DP out socket" does windows have the 1st monitor listed properly with the right "Monitor Driver Installed"? If it is just a windows driver for the 1st monitor then you may need to manually install a specific driver from the monitor manufacturer.

Best buy has a "DisplayPort to HDMI" cable that I use on my laptop. If the video downstream only supports 1 DP then maybe changing to HDMI in on the second monitor will work instead of the "DP to DP" cable you have been trying.

I don't know if any of this helps, but good luck.

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