Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16619 Discussions

Addition problem in Quartus

Honored Contributor II

So, after break the head for some minutes trying to find out why an simple addition didnt work, i went to see the RTL and found an weird thing:  


so, beyond putting an '0' on the last bit, it magically merges an vector of 32 bits into one of 31 bits (see big arrow on the image)? 

the bigger vectors (of 46 bits) also have this issue. 


library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity COUNTEUR_XYR_HIRES is Port ( CODEUR1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); CODEUR2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); RELATION: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (23 downto 0); POSX : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); POSY : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); ROT : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); --0-360 degrees+7 bits RESET : IN STD_LOGIC; H : IN STD_LOGIC ); end COUNTEUR_XYR_HIRES; architecture Behavioral of COUNTEUR_XYR_HIRES is signal intPosX : Integer; --pas (32 bit) * 14 bits => 46 bits signal intPosY : Integer; --pas (32 bit) * 14 bits => 46 bits signal buffPosX : std_logic_vector(45 downto 0); signal buffPosY : std_logic_vector(45 downto 0); signal buffRot : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal subSubRot, subIncRot : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal nextSubRot, nextIncRot : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --signal lastCod1, lastCod2: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal SINUS, COSINUS: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); component TABLE_SINUS is Port ( H : in STD_LOGIC; ANGLE : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); SINUS : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); COSINUS : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0) ); end component; begin POSX <= buffPosX(45 downto 14); POSY <= buffPosY(45 downto 14); ROT <= buffRot(31 downto 16); buffPosX <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(intPosX,46)); buffPosY <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(intPosY,46)); --buffRot <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(intRot,32)) ; subSubRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(buffRot)) - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(RELATION)),32)); subIncRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(buffRot)) + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(RELATION)),32)); nextIncRot(23 downto 0) <= subIncRot(23 downto 0); nextSubRot(23 downto 0) <= subSubRot(23 downto 0); async : process(subIncRot, subSubRot) begin if(subIncRot(31 downto 24)=x"B4")then nextIncRot(31 downto 24) <= x"00"; else nextIncRot(31 downto 24) <= subIncRot(31 downto 24); end if; if(subSubRot(31 downto 24)=x"FF")then nextSubRot(31 downto 24) <= x"B3"; else nextSubRot(31 downto 24) <= subSubRot(31 downto 24); end if; end process; sin:TABLE_SINUS PORT MAP( H => H, ANGLE => buffRot(31 downto 16), SINUS => SINUS, COSINUS => COSINUS ); onHorloge : process (H) begin if(H'event and H='1')then if(RESET='1')then intPosX<=0; intPosY<=0; buffRot <= x"00000000"; else if(CODEUR1(0)='1')then buffRot <= nextIncRot; if(COSINUS(15)='0')then --cosinus>0 intPosX <= intPosX + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosX <= intPosX - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; if(SINUS(15)='0')then intPosY <= intPosY - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosY <= intPosY + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; elsif(CODEUR1(1)='1')then buffRot <= nextSubRot; if(COSINUS(15)='0')then --cosinus>0 intPosX <= intPosX - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosX <= intPosX + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; if(SINUS(15)='0')then intPosY <= intPosY + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosY <= intPosY - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; elsif(CODEUR2(0)='1')then buffRot <= nextIncRot; if(COSINUS(15)='0')then --cosinus>0, mais ici on subtraient intPosX <= intPosX - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosX <= intPosX + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; if(SINUS(15)='0')then intPosY <= intPosY + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosY <= intPosY - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; elsif(CODEUR2(1)='1')then buffRot <= nextSubRot; if(COSINUS(15)='0')then --cosinus>0 intPosX <= intPosX + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosX <= intPosX - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(COSINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; if(SINUS(15)='0')then intPosY <= intPosY - TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); else intPosY <= intPosY + TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(SINUS(14 downto 0))); end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;  


I contourned the problem by shifting 1 bit all the vectors relative (thus, lost 1 bit reolution). but still, why cant i make a "simple" (32 bit) addition?
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20 Replies
Honored Contributor II

and do you get wrong results. 


adder0 in your post is the subtractor. adder1 is the adder. 


I expected 32 bits as you did. it is indeed 32 bits on adder1 but 33 bits on adder0.  

It looks like the adder0 is converted to subtractor by converting one input to signed so 7f is added on the msbs + sign bit.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

until i made this last change (shift all the logic one bit to the right), the counter was not working as wanted. its supposed to be a degree counter (with fixed point values) so, it should go from 359."999" (actually "111...1"b) to 0 and vice versa, but it was going from 255 to 0 and from 0 to 103(which is 359 without the MSB). 


but the weirdest is: why in the RTL an 32 bit is put in a 31 bit entrance?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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It looks like the adder0 is converted to subtractor by converting one input to signed so 7f is added on the msbs + sign bit. 

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Indeed, it is an ADDer and a SUBer as you can see in this part: 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

you need to look at subtractor result to verify if it works or not and not further in your design. 

The subtractor design on the adder is something I haven't seen before but looking at it now. To convert 23:0 bits unsigned to negative they have to invert each bit then add 1. They are apparently doing something clever in this addition of 1. I am still looking at it. I can see 23:0 is mapped to 24:1 implying multiply by 2 then a 1 is added at bit 0 (implying half) then another 1 is added to bit0 of other input?? implying add another 1 and so 2 is added then possibly one lsb at output is discarded implying 2/2 = 1, thus 1 is added this way. But I am still not sure completely. So you check this adder and tell us.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Why are you using integers in your code? 


buffRot is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0), so UNSIGNED(buffRot) is a 32-bit unsigned value, and you cannot convert that to a 32-bit (signed) integer. 


VHDL Specification ( Predefined integer types): 


"The only predefined integer type is the type INTEGER. The range of INTEGER is implementation dependent, but it is guaranteed to include the range –2147483647 to +2147483647. It is defined with an 

ascending range." 


i.e., integers have a guaranteed range of up to 0x7FFF_FFFF, which is a 31-bit unsigned number. 


Your code: 



should be re-written to use unsigned and/or signed types, the resize() operator, and then an appropriate rounding method. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Why are you using integers in your code? 


buffRot is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0), so UNSIGNED(buffRot) is a 32-bit unsigned value, and you cannot convert that to a 32-bit (signed) integer. 


VHDL Specification ( Predefined integer types): 


"The only predefined integer type is the type INTEGER. The range of INTEGER is implementation dependent, but it is guaranteed to include the range –2147483647 to +2147483647. It is defined with an 

ascending range." 


i.e., integers have a guaranteed range of up to 0x7FFF_FFFF, which is a 31-bit unsigned number. 


Your code: 



should be re-written to use unsigned and/or signed types, the resize() operator, and then an appropriate rounding method. 




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Hi Dave, 


I think that he is not converting it to any signed but the compiler does and it does lose 1 bit eventually from this 32 bit input. 

the input buffrot(30 : 0) is mapped(I believe) to 31:1(i.e. bit 31 dropped) and an extra fixed lsb of 1 is added. 

the "relation" input is 23:0 mapped to 24:1 and extra 1 also added so overall a 2 enters adder with inputs then one lsb must be discarded at output so in effect 1 is added(2/2). 


So in principle it should work unless the user enters really large value on buffrot. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Be aware that, with ieee.numeric_std, 32bits_vector + 32bits_vector = 32bits_vector the 33th bit (which is carry) is simply forgotten I have already face to : 


In standard package, Integers are numbers from –2147483648 to +2147483647 (Be carefull ;-)) 


Be aware in  


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async : process(subIncRot, subSubRot) 

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Quartus will ignore the sensitivity list (= (subIncRot, subSubRot)), and take as sensitivity all "input" signals. 

In your case, it doesn't change the behaviour. 



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UNSIGNED(buffRot) is a 32-bit unsigned value 

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Wrong, UNSIGNED(buffRot) will give exactly the same vector, it is just interpreted as unsigned for operations (mostly comparisons, multiplications) 

BUT "TO_INTEGER" gives a 32bits vector by the compiler.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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In standard package, Integers are numbers from –2147483648 to +2147483647 (Be carefull ;-)) 


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My statement above was copied directly from the VHDL standard, which includes what is "guaranteed to include". So technically the value –2147483648 comes for "free" in some packages :) 


Bottom-line is that if you are going to use integers for data types in code, you need to start to get worried when your bit-widths gets near 32-bits. 



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Honored Contributor II

[SOLVED] [?] 

Since the Integer type doesnt work at 32 bit (it uses the bit 31 as carry, as the RTL shows) I worked 2 strategies to solve it: 


For the ROT counter, I shifted all the logic one bit to the right, so i actually use 31 bits 



For the 46 bits variables, I have implemented the sum as another VHDL file (even knowing it could be done with an function) 

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity ADDER_46 is Port ( A : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (45 downto 0); B : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (45 downto 0); C : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (45 downto 0); COUT : OUT STD_LOGIC; CIN : IN STD_LOGIC ); end ADDER_46; architecture Behavioral of ADDER_46 is signal Carry: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (46 downto 0); begin Carry(0) <= CIN; COUT <= Carry(46); Carry(46 downto 1) <= (A and B)or(Carry(45 downto 0) and (A or B)); C <= (A xor B)xor Carry(45 downto 0); end Behavioral;  


Still, I think the designers of Quartus should give a look at the image I have posted in the first post.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Why are you using to_integer though? 


What is wrong with just letting the VHDL signed type perform modulo math? 


subDecRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIGNED(buffRot)-resize(SIGNED(RELATION),32)); subIncRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIGNED(buffRot)+resize(SIGNED(RELATION),32));  



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The operator resize is new for me (thanks for the hint btw). I have not any more time to test until monday (maybe) but using them as SIGNED makes no sense for the projet (it represents one bit less available, except if you want it to spin a robot and it displays in the other sense). I just compiled the code using UNSIGNED and it seems exactly the same(loking at the RTL).

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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The operator resize is new for me (thanks for the hint btw). 


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No problem :) 


Its a useful operator in that it will sign-extend for you. 



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I have not any more time to test until monday (maybe) but using them as SIGNED makes no sense for the projet (it represents one bit less available, except if you want it to spin a robot and it displays in the other sense). I just compiled the code using UNSIGNED and it seems exactly the same(loking at the RTL). 

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If you draw yourself a "number circle" you'll find that an N-bit signed number or unsigned number has exactly the same binary patterns, so whether you use one format or the other really depends on what makes the most sense to you. 


For example, a 3-bit number can represent 


Bin U S -- - - 000 0 0 001 1 1 010 2 2 011 3 3 100 4 -4 101 5 -3 110 6 -2 111 7 -1  


In either case; 


Unsigned: 101 + 100 = 5 + 4 -> 1 = 001 

Signed: 101 + 010 = -3 + 4 -> +1 = 001 


The point is that you can use the SIGNED data type without needing to use an extra bit relative to UNSIGNED. If you need a 31-bit representation for your modulo math, it can be signed or unsigned. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Yes, but here it is filling with the resize, so (supposing an fill from 3 bits to 5): 


Bin(o) Bin(f) U S 000 00000 0 0 001 00001 1 1 010 00010 2 2 011 00011 3 3 100 11100 4 -4 101 11101 5 -3 110 11110 6 -2 111 11111 7 -1 5 + 4 00101 + 11100 --------- 1 00001  

So, if I want to add values bigger than 3 (in this case) it will in fact subtract
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Yes, but here it is filling with the resize, so (supposing an fill from 3 bits to 5): 


Bin(o) Bin(f) U S 000 00000 0 0 001 00001 1 1 010 00010 2 2 011 00011 3 3 100 11100 4 -4 101 11101 5 -3 110 11110 6 -2 111 11111 7 -1 5 + 4 00101 + 11100 --------- 1 00001  

So, if I want to add values bigger than 3 (in this case) it will in fact subtract 

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to cast signed on an unsigned value you need to add a '0' sign bit to your unsigned values.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Yes, but here it is filling with the resize, so (supposing an fill from 3 bits to 5): 


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If your number is unsigned to start with, resize should add zeros for the sign-extension bits. 


So your example for the unsigned values are no longer correct, i.e., 


Bin(o) resize(U,5) resize(S,5) 100 00100 = 4 11100 = -4 101 00101 = 5 11101 = -3 110 00110 = 6 11110 = -2 111 00111 = 7 11111 = -1  

The resize() function should preserve the number in whatever format you pass it. 


Play with signed and/or signed numbers in Modelsim and I think you'll figure out what is the appropriate format for your application. 



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Honored Contributor II


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If your number is unsigned to start with, resize should add zeros for the sign-extension bits. 

The resize() function should preserve the number in whatever format you pass it. 


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-- Result subtype: SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) 

-- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size. 

-- To create a larger vector, the new [leftmost] bit positions 

-- are filled with the sign bit (ARG'LEFT). When truncating, 

-- the sign bit is retained along with the rightmost part. 

By that, loks like: RESIZE(N(2 downto 0), 5) => N(2)&N(2)&N(2 downto 0) 


So, if I opt for UNSIGNED (again) I have all the bits, while if I opt for SIGNED, it will have 1 bit less with the possibility to change all the logic (witch in normal state isnt the case) 


also, i just compiled as said and it became weird in RTL:  

and then again, the RTL invents an circuit
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Look again at the link you posted, the function is over-loaded for both SIGNED and UNSIGNED. 


-- Id: R.1 function RESIZE (ARG: SIGNED; NEW_SIZE: NATURAL) return SIGNED; -- Result subtype: SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size. -- To create a larger vector, the new bit positions -- are filled with the sign bit (ARG'LEFT). When truncating, -- the sign bit is retained along with the rightmost part. -- Id: R.2 function RESIZE (ARG: UNSIGNED; NEW_SIZE: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size. -- To create a larger vector, the new bit positions -- are filled with '0'. When truncating, the leftmost bits -- are dropped.  

as I comment above, the MSBs of an unsigned number are '0' extended. 



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So, if I opt for UNSIGNED (again) I have all the bits, while if I opt for SIGNED, it will have 1 bit less 


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I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you need 32-bits to represent a modulo-32 bit operation, then it does not matter if that 32-bit number uses signed or unsigned representation. In either case, you still need 32-bits. I'm not sure why you think signed would need 1-bit less. 


As for your RTL view ... personally I'd recommend starting with Modelsim and making sure your testbench produces the correct results, and then worry about synthesis. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Look again at the link you posted, the function is over-loaded for both SIGNED and UNSIGNED. 


-- Id: R.1 function RESIZE (ARG: SIGNED; NEW_SIZE: NATURAL) return SIGNED; -- Result subtype: SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size. -- To create a larger vector, the new bit positions -- are filled with the sign bit (ARG'LEFT). When truncating, -- the sign bit is retained along with the rightmost part. -- Id: R.2 function RESIZE (ARG: UNSIGNED; NEW_SIZE: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED; -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) -- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size. -- To create a larger vector, the new bit positions -- are filled with '0'. When truncating, the leftmost bits -- are dropped.  

as I comment above, the MSBs of an unsigned number are '0' extended. 



I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you need 32-bits to represent a modulo-32 bit operation, then it does not matter if that 32-bit number uses signed or unsigned representation. In either case, you still need 32-bits. I'm not sure why you think signed would need 1-bit less. 


As for your RTL view ... personally I'd recommend starting with Modelsim and making sure your testbench produces the correct results, and then worry about synthesis. 




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To avoid confusion I would declare the presumed unsigned value as signed "0"&value. 


Though we can use resize for either signed or unsigned but I am not sure what happens if we resize an unsigned value cast as signed inside this function. I would rather just avoid it.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I also just noticed that the signal is declares as std_logic_vector hence you cannot resize as signed when you mean unsigned unless you add 0 sign bit

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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To avoid confusion I would declare the presumed unsigned value as signed "0"&value. 


Though we can use resize for either signed or unsigned but I am not sure what happens if we resize an unsigned value cast as signed inside this function. I would rather just avoid it. 

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I agree with Kaz. Since your operation involves both '+' and '-' operators, it makes more sense to use signed numbers for the representation. 


Assuming that 'relation' is an unsigned value, and given that it always has a lower bit-width than the 32-bit result, both of the following should yield identical results; 


subDecRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIGNED(buffRot)-resize(UNSIGNED(RELATION),32)); subIncRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIGNED(buffRot)+resize(UNSIGNED(RELATION),32));  

although the subtraction may force the conversion to signed, in which case it might be preferred to simply convert relation to unsigned without resize, i.e., just unsigned(relation). 


The least ambiguous form is to use signed ... 


subDecRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIGNED(buffRot)-resize(SIGNED('0' & RELATION),32)); subIncRot <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIGNED(buffRot)+resize(SIGNED('0' & RELATION),32));  


Ultimately your code would be less confusing if the entity ports used signed and unsigned types. Those ports can then be converted to std_logic_vector when used in the higher level design. 



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