Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16616 Discussions

ID 12006 Undefined entity

Honored Contributor II

Hi just a quick run down of what im trying to achieve write a value to my verilog code and read back the double value (input*2) gonna expand later on...(im new to FPGA) 


ive greated a Qsys module as described here: 


the plan is the write/read a value from NIOS (hello_world) template to the new component(modified to return 2* input value, and removed the HEX output). 


1.) Qsys module created (ok) 

2.) Qsys generate HDL (ok) 

3.) Nios project (debug via JTAG) (ok)  


-c code function returns same value as written 


void MyReadWrite(void) { static int writeval = 22; int readval = 0; IOWR(REG16_AVALON_INTERFACE_0_BASE,0,writeval); readval = IORD(REG16_AVALON_INTERFACE_0_BASE,0); printf("\n Reg16 Test WriteVal: %d, ReadBackVal: %d",writeval,readval); writeval++; }  

reply in NIOS concole: 


Reg16 Test WriteVal: 22, ReadBackVal: 22 


(i think i just write/read to memory somewhere without entering the verilog code. i havent compiled the FPGA code(Quartus project to get a .sof file) yet, at least i dont think so not 100% sure of whats include when i launch a debug session from eclipse) 


4.) created a Quartus project (ok) 

containing the following files: 









5.) when i try to compile the project i get the following error " Id 12006 instance "comb_4" instantiates undefined entity "nios_setup" (Guess i need to add something to my top.v file just dont know how/what t o add.) 


my top.v is a from the ADC demo in the design store. 


module top ( input clk, input reset, input SW, output LED ); wire adc_10M_clk; wire nios_50M_clk; wire pll_locked; wire reset_n; assign reset_n = !reset; all_pll alt_pll_inst ( .areset ( reset ), .inclk0 ( clk ), .c0 ( adc_10M_clk ), .c1 ( nios_50M_clk), .locked ( pll_locked )  ); nios_setup ( .clk_clk (nios_50M_clk), // clk.clk .reset_reset_n (reset_n), // reset.reset_n .led_io_external_connection_export (LED), // led_pio_external_connection.export .sw_io_external_connection_export (SW), // switch_pio_external_connection.export .modular_adc_0_adc_pll_clock_clk (adc_10M_clk), // modular_adc_0_adc_pll_clock.clk .modular_adc_0_adc_pll_locked_export (pll_locked) // modular_adc_0_adc_pll_locked.export  ); endmodule  


any explanation on how to make this work would be appreciated. 


thanks in advance
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8 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I don't know the solution, but please edit your post so that you have your code in code tags. This makes reading it much easier.

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Honored Contributor II

Here is the error: 


nios_setup ( 


If you look at how you did your pll you have, 

all_pll alt_pll_inst( 

module ----- instance 



your nios_setup declaration is missing either the module name or the instance name
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Honored Contributor II

Hi code tags added :-) thanks for the heads up. 


ATT: Krasner ive looked in some different demo project (all working fine) and they all share the same syntaks, " nios_setup ( " so i guess thats okay ?  


here is the verilog code: 

module reg16_avalon_interface (clock, resetn, writedata, readdata, write, read, byteenable, chipselect); // signals for connecting to the Avalon fabric input clock, resetn, read, write, chipselect; input byteenable; input writedata; output readdata; // signal for exporting register contents outside of the embedded system wire local_byteenable; wire to_reg, from_reg; assign to_reg = writedata; assign local_byteenable = (chipselect & write) ? byteenable : 2'd0; reg16 U1 ( .clock(clock), .resetn(resetn), .D(to_reg), .byteenable(local_byteenable), .Q(from_reg) ); assign readdata = from_reg; endmodule  


For now this one just returns "11" no matter what input. 


module reg16 (clock, resetn, D, byteenable, Q); input clock, resetn; input byteenable; input D; output reg Q; integer bob; always@(posedge clock) if (!resetn) Q <= 16'b0; else begin // Enable writing to each byte separately //if (byteenable) Q <= D; //if (byteenable) Q <= D; Q <= 16'd11; end endmodule 


do i need to add Reg16 to my nios_setup ? and how ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Also when i create a new project in Nios-eclipse based on my new Qsys file (with the Reg16 component), do i need to load anything to the FPGA og is the debug via JTAG taking care of that ?

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Honored Contributor II

If you are asking, Do I need to reload the hardware, yes you will need to resynthesise the hardware and then reload.

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Honored Contributor II

as in .sof or .pof file with Flash programmer ?

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Honored Contributor II

Yes, indeed.

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Honored Contributor II

so after a little magic with filenames vs. component names its running fine now (Thanks for helping)... Im using a Avalon slave and using writedata(16 bit) as input to my vhdl block. What is the correct/best way to expand the input to be fx. 5 variables*16bit?. Is it to have 5 avalon_slaves or how is done properly ?

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